6 - I get dumped. Again

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I dragged my very tired ass up the staircase to my room. My trainer added two more hours of training. She claims it's because she wanted me to improve my skills in time for the next test. Someone must have broken up with her and she was just taking it out on the next available unsuspecting person. Poor clueless me. I should have faked some kind of sickness and skipped. She lectured for three whole hours on how-to-treat-a-girl. Non-stop. Like woah. It was like a combined break-up speech from all of my past girlfriends and dates. I was out of there like a shot when training was done.

I opened the door only to find Thumbelina waiting for me on the shelf, arms crossed, impatiently tapping her left foot.

"So?" She asked, "I was telling the truth, right?"

Oh. That. Totally forgot about it. 

"Look, I'm really tired right now. We will talk about this later. I need to sleep for half-an-hour. I said, setting the timer on my cell phone. There were 11 messages; I would check them later on. Maybe.

I collapsed onto the bed not bothering to change out of my sweaty karategi. When I woke up again it was eight in the evening. I went to the bathroom to change. There were more bruises on me than the usual few I usually got after karate practice.

Anaesthesia looked at me expectantly; Trac was trying to hide behind my bean bag so I pretended not to notice him.

"Well?" She asked

I looked at her and smiled. My cell started ringing after a while. I looked at the called ID; it was Sheila, my date. I needed to thank her for that later.



"Where are you? You said you would be here about an hour ago!" She screamed. I really had enough of screaming, whiny girls for today.

"I'm so sorry I can't go."

"You can't! Why?" She shouted even more loudly. Was the party really that loud?

"Something has come up. I need to work, right now."

"Sure, go. GO WORK. WE ARE OVER. DO YOU HEAR ME?" Her voice increased by what sounded like a few thousand decibels.

"yeah" I said in a small voice.


"Look, listen, I had karate prac-"

She hung up on me. I sighed and put down the phone.

Anaesthesia raised one painted eyebrow, "She was nice. I would have killed you in your sleep." Psyco.

"That's why I don't go out with dolls the size of my thumb. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to print out some information regarding you and Trac." I told her, walking towards the door. I don't really care that Sheila broke-up with me. Never really cared. 

"Wait!" Anaesthesia asked, "You don't seem to care much that your girlfriend dumped you?"


"Most people would care." No, they don't. Dating is a past time activity for the bored soul.

"She asked me out so I went out with her. Her loss, girls ask me out all the time."

Anaesthesia looked at me like I was a covered in slime, "Oh. You really deserve to be killed in your sleep."  Psyco, true blue psyo. 

"Don't take out your anger about something else out on me now."

I smiled at her. She looked so ridiculous, like a hamster. I smiled and went to the home office.


Author's Note:

Hey! Its me again! No, I'm not here to bribe you with chocolate cake again.

Just, remember to vote! (If you don't want to, its fine. I'll go cry in a corner somewhere. Just kidding.)

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