2 - Grandma winked at me.

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 I smiled at some of my parent's clients as I made my way to the kitchen. Every year, my birthday is used to warm up my parent's clients, business partners and employees to my parents and, me. I've interned in my parent's company last year so I'm acquainted to some them. They're in advertising. My sister, Selene, did not want anything to do with my parents' business so she has gone to stay overnight at her long time best friend, Alana's house.

She's very into rebelling against my parents so she does things like; use cheap hair dye, wear clothes that are ''out'' (according to mom), disappear randomly, bringing weird dates to formal events and go around quarreling with everyone for no particular reason. I mean, our parents are not that bad, they don't ignore our existence. They are kind of strict, but they're okay. The daily physical training I get is what got me on the basketball and the track team. My brown belt in karate is not exactly useful, but it's not like they forced it on either of us. Mom puts in a lot of effort into making sure that we look well-groomed all the time, Dad plays badminton with me regularly. There're like those commercials on cereals and Nutella or something. Very..appropriate. 

I'm not saying I am happy about not being allowed to invite my friends to my birthday or that my parents are way obsessed about success -- it's just, I haven't got good a reason to not go along with their great plans. Plus, all of those gruelling hours spent training and practicing karate has gotten me a lot of attention from girls. (And some guys, but that's another story)

I had just started to pour myself some punch when Mom came into the kitchen "Anthony, time to cut the cake. Come on. I think they are all dying to go home," she said, as she pulled me towards the dining hall.

There was a two tier chocolate cake with a candle on top set at the centre of the long, rectangular dining table. The people seated were either my parent's friends or family. Grandma winked at me across the table, dressed, as usual, in clothes that should have been on someone about half her age.

I smiled at her before I closed my eyes and made a wish as I blew out the candle.


"Here comes the birthday boy, people! Oh wait, they're all locked up. It's just me then. Happy Birthday! " Trac yelled as I entered my room with a trolley of presents. Trac was the only toy that I didn't keep locked up in a wardrobe (With a glass doors. It's also soundproofed). Trac's short for Tractor, he was my thanksgiving present when I was four. I thought he was a tractor but he's actually a crane. The name stuck.

I grinned at him, "Thank you, should I unlock it?" 

Trac ignored me and started driving in circles. "Go on, open your presents!" he said, mimicking the voice of a game show host. Trac watched the television when I wasn't in the room. I shook my head and started opening the presents from the one on top, "Trac, what were you watching today?"

Trac ignored me again, "Oooh, it's a squashed airplane model from seven-year old Bobby!"

Bobby's a cute kid, last year; he gave me a squashed crown from burger king. So that's un upgrade in standard.

"A bright pink poka dotted bow tie from Aunt Nancy! My, it truly is fit for a clown." He grinned and added brightly, "Like you."

"Shut up or I'll make you wear it"

"A polaroid picture of a blue sports car from mom and dad!"

"This will be all yours, once you get a licence. So, get your licence soon! ". The note at the back of the picture said.

"A romance novel called Temptation from Grandma!" Tac raised his painted eyebrows suggestively. Grandma's presents are always wacky. She gave me a water bra last Christmas. I didn't know what to do with them so I used them for dart practice.

"A plastic nose from Selene!" 

"A jar of jellybeans from Uncle Ben with the attached note; that diet your mother put you on is ridiculous. A boy does not diet." Trac went on, "You better hide them before your mom finds them."

The rest of the presents were mostly gift vouchers, bookstore vouchers, collectible pens, planners, ties - things a sixteen year old boy would not need. (From my parent's employees and clients)

The last present was the toy. To be honest, I didn't want to open it, but Trac pushed it towards me. "Come on; open it, no one likes being shut up in a box."

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