12- I have the keys

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Author's note-

Hi there, the story's gonna take on a more serious tone after this. The main plot's going to start. That means Antony'll get a little more serious.

Ginny, sorry , it'll take some time. I need to do some research. I don't want to put something of a bad standard up for viewing to the public. 

I'm not exactly satisfied with the story. See how it goes. I think my skills in writing need major honing - so I'll be reading up on books that help with writing. Vote if you like it. Let me know why if you don't. Thankyou, 


I moved into my grand mother's house during the weekend. My parents had begrudgingly agreed to let me stay there for a while. They were very worried that I'd follow Selene's footsteps. Selene, by the way, had a little outburst before I left. She yelled a lot about my unbearable awesomeness, my plastic nose and something about it (my nose) being aligned to the North-pole. It was very confusing. She ended it off by yelling, "Get out!"  to my face and then she stomped off her room to cause more noise pollution. She thinks I overshadow her in academic and athletics on purpose. I didn't like I had nothing better to do.

 I have no idea how she managed to get offended by the comment," Your shirt's cute." Girls should come with pause and mute buttons. Grandma managed to get Uncle Ben to give me a week off from work. Probably wasn't a hard decision, since he never gives me any real work anyway.

Grandma lived in a coastal area but the there wasn't exactly a beach. You could see the rocky shoreline that abruptly breaks off and begins its descent into the sea leaving large stones stacked upon one another. Grandma's house was built on the cliff, a safe distance away from the cliff. I sometimes wandered aimlessly in the rocky bay a little further down. The area was pretty isolated, a few years ago the row shop houses got abandoned and no one came up hill anymore.

Grandma's house wasn't a fancy one, no security guard, no burglar alarms, no home offices, glass walls or enlarged balconies. Both mom and Uncle Ben had offered to renovate her house numerous times but she had always turned them down. The garage was separate from the rest or the house, part of it was open, well-maintained; part of it was locked, it looked like it was designed later on.

After my parent's had gone, (Selene didn't come because she had wanted to come but she wasn't allowed to) Grandma slipped an envelope across the kitchen table to me. Normal grandmothers give their grandchildren cookies but mine- mine gave me a fake diver's license and smiled. She passed a bunch of spare keys as well.

"You need to have fun, like Selene."

I inspected the driver's license, I had to admit, it was a very good fake, it would be hard to tell it apart from a real one. I held it up, "Grandma, this is illegal."

"So is a lot of things. I know a guy, you'll be fine - anyway how much trouble could you get into. You didn't see me give Selene one of those." She waved her hand dismissively.

"You know a guy?" I said, "That makes it okay to disobey the law? I'm not taking this."

She patted me lightly on the head, "Calm down Tony. You don't have to use it. Just keep it. Why don't you do something safe and cautious like find out which key opens which door?"


She picked up the lighter one of my bags and started climbing the stairs. "Come on, I'm going out later. Start unpacking; we're going out tomorrow - unless you have other plans?" She looked at me questioningly.

I shook my head and followed her with my other bag.  She gave me a whole set of keys. Really, she should learn to be a bit more cautious.

"Grandma, you gave me all the keys."


"I might lose them."

"You won't." she replied confidently.

Grandma went back downstairs and I began to unpack. Once out of my bag, Trac let out a celebratory noise (I say noise because I didn't know what it was. It was a strange noise.)

After he was done driving in circles, he said, "Where are they?"


"The T.V.s The glorious works of art, the love of my life. Where are they?"

Of course, he cared more about watching T.V. than being human again. Anaesthesia climbed out of the side pocket. "No, no. We didn't come all the way here, stuffed in a bag of clothes that smell like flowers -

"Flowers?"  I don't smell like flowers.

"- to watch another lame gameshow." She looked down at Trac stonily.

"Why not? We have time before grandma goes out? Right Tony?"

I hated game shows.

"How about Anaesthesia and I look around, try out the keys and you stay in the living room and watch T.V.?"

There was a problem, though. Trac couldn't move out of the room. He tried, but he couldn't. When I started walking towards him, he could move again. We were at the staircase when grandma shouted up from downstairs that she would be late. Late in her language means she'd be home at 2-3 am the next day.

I had noticed a few times before that outside of my house, the toys couldn't move - unless I was around. I told Anaesthesia about it. She shrugged, "Why didn't you try to find out the reason behind it before?"

"I don't know," I turned on the T.V. and walked to the front door, "I was waiting for my sainity to kick in and realize that all of this was made up; like a dream."

I left Trac on the sofa and locked the door before I started walking towards the rocky bay, going downhill. I needed to think about some things before I went into that garage.

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