goddess gets summond.

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Hi this is my first time putting a fanfiction on the web, i'm not a english but a dutch girl so excuse my grammar. B.t.w. i don't own kamisama hajimemashita or its characters.
Author's note: my annoying comments XD
thoughts and emphasis

"Lady nanami!" a voice echoes through the shrine. The said girl looks up from her studies "yes?" Smack "itai!" "Back to studying" tomoe says unfolding his fan. Nanami rubs the spot tomoe had hit while she grumbles something, "as for you..." tomoe points one of his slender fingers at the trembling spirit "what was so important you'd have to interrupt her studies?" "T-this master tomoe" the shrine spirit hands him the document and flees out of the room. Tomoe studies the document, he then snorts and hands it to nanami "it's adressed to you, it says it is urgent." Nanami open it hestitant "should i read it out loud?" She asks, the fox nodds. "Okay" she slowly starts reading 'dear human landgod. My apolagies for the short notice, but at receavel of this letter you need to depart as quikly as possible. We're having a emergency meeting with all the gods. Ps familiar nor yokai are allowed to accompany you. Signed Ookuninushi' nanami folds the letter in half. "I disapprove" tomoe says while glaring at the piece of paper. "Tomoe...." nanami sighs "for all we know it could be a trap! You don't even know where it is held" "where what is held?" Mizuki butts in "a emergency meeting and i do know where it's held... the great assembly hall! It said so in the letter!" Nanami answers triompfantly. "Oh can i come nanami-chan?" Mizuki asks eagerly " no you can't snake" tomoe snarls "i didn't ask you fox" mizuki retorts "guys! Mizuki, tomoe is right i can't have familiars nor yokai accompanying me" nanami hushes the boys "i disapprove!" Mizuki immediatly yells " so we agree on something snake" tomoe says "don't go nanami-chan, we'll die if you go" mizuki sobs an tomoe trows his innocent puppy eyes 'oh no! Not the puppy eyes! So cute!.... i suppose maybe- No! I need to go.... but tomoe.... STOP IT NANAMI!' The goddess scolds herself mentally. Tomoe -well aware of the effect his eyes have- decides to take it up a notch.

He lets his ears hang, lip tremble and fake tears brimming in the corners of his eyes. Nanami gasps 'thats right nanami fall prey to the fox' tomoe grins inwardly. 'Tomoe's cuteness level shot up to 1 million! Rate of succes 260%! AVERT!AVERT!' nanami bites her lip 'till the point of drawing blood, she quickly averts her eyes "you know i have to go..." tomoe's façade drops for a millisecond before it finds his way back. "But.." hope fills both familiars eyes " i'll be back soon, a meeting is usually a week max" in a flash tomoe is in front of her "very well but one condition" he grins evilly (o no! Evil grin meens no good! Nanami: your the one who put it in!
Me: yea yeah
Tomoe: just continue
Me: onwards my companions
Nanami :......
Tomoe :......
Me: to much??
Nanami and tomoe: yeah....)

"Tell me" nanami smiles relieved thinking that its over with but as soon as tomoe has wisperd his condition in her ear that relieve turns into embarrasment "d-do i have to??" She asks stuttering "if you want to go then yes otherwise i'll just tie you down, leave the shrine with mizuki so you can't use your sacred words of binding and let the shrine spirits feed you 'till the meeting is over"

____________________________________________ well what did you think? I'll make the next chap longer but i'm at school typing this so shhhht you didn't know but my class is almost starting so bye bye

goddes and her fox familiarWhere stories live. Discover now