Blood transfusion

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hi guys! yes i've updated another chappie! good job Samantha *pads self on the back* enjoy!

last time: black spots appear in her vision, eating away her surroundings. a few moments later she blacks out.

disclaimer i don't own kamisama hajimemashita

mikage enters the room, he gently lifts the girl in his arms "remind me, why are we doing this again?"he asks "it says so in the law...." "a law you made up!" "yeah.... but i have good reasons" mikage raises a eyebrow "it's true! 1. it is good for our reputation, 2. she and the fox can be happy without worrying about diffrent lifespans 3. she won't be targeted as yokai meal as much" "fine the last three reasons convinced me" mikage says as he brings nanami to the quarantine room. "hi lovlys!, well how did it go?"otohiko asks curious when mikage closes the door behind him. "we'll just have to see" when he says that nanami starts trashing around arching her back in pain. her body shakes uncontrolable "whats happening?!" otohiki exclaims paniced "she's going into shock!" mikage yells "don't worry it's part of the transfusion" ookuninushi tell his fellow gods "o, so you've done this before?" mikage asks ookuninushi's smile broadend "nope" he pops the p. mikage runs into the room "nanami! calm down it is a side affect of thetransfusion!" no matter what he tries, he can't seem to calm her down. not even with his devine power, frustrated he clutches his robe. to his suprise he feels something in his pocket, mikage lifts it to eyeheight. it's the piece of fabric he was supposed to give nanami. a idea pops to mind, he brings it to her nose. with tomoe's scent lingering in the rectanglear cloth she finally calm down and fall in a deep sleep "just as i thought" mikage states "i'm going to ask a favor of a friend"

*a few hours later*

"master tomoeeeeeeee" kotetsu wails "what?" The former yōkai snaps "a letter has arrived from master mikage to you" "let me see that!" Tomoe snatches the letter out of the spirits tiny hands. 'Dear tomoe, don't worry nothing is wrong with nanami. But i have a request.... Could you please record some encouraging sentences one of those cellphone's? Boxie thingies or what they are called. It has to be your voice, it would help nanami lots. Thanks signed mikage' "what a ridiculous request!" "Tomoe-kuuuuuuuuuuun" someone wails "whats up with all the wailing?" He asks annoyed. "It is horrible! Word came out that nanami-chan was in a court!..." "It isn't out of the ordinary gods are to coöperate in a court" "n-not as a witness but as a c-criminal!" Mizuki cries harder. "D-don't be ridiculous, now if you'll excuse me i have a request to fullfill" with that he leaves the sobbing snake alone. " Now to record my voice..."tomoe mumbles to himself.

*a day later*

" Mikage the second transfusion has been completed, vitals are great!... No wait! She is going into shick again! Even worse then last time!" "Mikage a pakkage has been deliverd from the fox" mikage snathes the box and pulls out a recorder. "Let me in the room" the bunny opens the door. Mikage switches the recorder on and sees the girl relax when the voice of her faithfull familiar fills the room. "It works!" Mikage exclaims relieved, "how did you know it would work?" Otohiko asks astonished " being in love surely effects someone doesn't it?" Mikage replies mysteriously . They don't notice someone is watching, "TOMOE-KUN!!" "What?" The said male snaps "it is disasterous look!" Mizuki pulls out a eye "how did you-? Why do you have that?" "Doesn't matter just look!" Tomoe sees mikage and otohiko discussing something, something behind them in a different room lies something that frightens him.

I am so so so soooooo sorry for not uploading for a while now. But i have this other story into shadows which is doing great and i have been so inspired with the story that i neglected this one! It wont happen again promise! At least not for such a long peroid of time that is why im putting another chapter up today to make it up with you!

Bye bye~ Samantha

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