Goddess returns

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i'm so so soooo sorry for another late upload but i'm in my finals and i lost the chapter and had to rewrite it so i have an excuse but i will try my best to upload on a more regular base

Through their journey Mikage learned how Nanami experienced the whole transfusion process "most of the time i had beautiful dreams, but they were also pretty weird..... i would run through forests, beautiful meadows and climb mountains. ocasionally i would feel a immens pain surging through my body and pass out only to wake in a different area." nanami explains "doesn't sound to bad" "nope" she answers poppong the p. when the night carriage lands on the ground, nanami jumps out and rushes into the shrine. "guys! i'm back!" she shouts "lady nanami!" "nanami-chan!" immediatlely she gets glomped by the shrine spirits and mizuki, nanami giggles.

"we've missed you! we were so worried when you didn't return in a week!" kotetsu sais "but i'm here now" the girl glances around "where's tomoe?"she asks. "uhm....w-would you like some tea?" onikiri tries to distract her, "no thanks so......... where is he?" now mizuki finally takes a good look at nanami "WHOA!" he jumps away "what happend? you-you have fox ears!... and a tail! are you a kitsune?" nanami smiles sheepishly "what have they done to you... my poor nanami-chan!"he wails dramatically "eh.... i'm sure that mikage could explain it, but will you tell me where tomoe is?" mizuki's expression hardens "he's at the world over yonder"he answers curtly. nanami walks back through the door "where are you going?" "getting my run-away fox" with that she is gone.

at the world over yonder

tomoe is surrounded by some tanuki girls, "master tomoe, you came her 3 weeks straight but you didn't even lay a finger on us" one of them whines. tomoe sighs "and i don't intent to" he states simply "why not?" the familiar just looks at her "oh..." the tanuki girl gets a mischievous glint in her eyes. "i know why...." tomoe raises a brow "you're in love with someone!" he looks away quickly "i wonder with whom..... there is a rumour that isn't hard to believe actually.... it's being said that you love your mistress" tomoe's eye widen "AHA! i knew it!" the tanuki girl grins smudgly "tsk right as if i woud ever fall for a girl as incapable as her!" he denies but the slight blush on his cheeks gives him away. another tanuki girl opens her mouth to tease him about it but gets cut off by the sound of a door slamming open.

everyone looks up and notices a beautiful brown haired kitsune female. "i knew i would find you here mingle with these women" the girl spats, her voice seething with anger and disgust, but her eyes betray that she is on the verge of tears. "really tomoe? i thought you stood above this, i guess i was wrong to think i had a chance" the brunette finishes with a sad smile. tomoe being intoxicated can't properly make out whom is standing before him, his senses are dulled by the alcohol. "do i know you?" he asks uncertain, the girl stares at him wide-eyed ".....wow...just wow, so a month of coma really changes a lot.... guess that shows where i stand in your life" the girl takes a deep breath.

"well when you're done with your .....buisness i would apreciate it if you'd come back home before mizuki tries to feed me a turtle again" "n-nanami?" tomoe asks hesitant. "yes it's me incapable Nanami Momozono" nanami clenches her fists in anger "wait i didn't mean-" "didn't mean what tomoe? 'cuz you've said it which means you must mean it somewhere" nanami snaps at him. "miss nanami?" one of the tanuki girls interferes, "yes?" "you're the landgoddess right?" "yes but what has that suppose to do with anything?" "but you're not human" "ofcourse not! i went a month long through pain, landed in a coma and when i came home this jerk is toying with you guys!" she yells angerly.

ooooooooh nanami is mad!! run tomoe!! hihi another chapter is coming soon don't worry but i'm gonna hide because my friend is gonna kill me when she reads this chapter

bye bye love~ Samantha

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