what's hidden underneath

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"O-our child?but-but how? I-it can't be....YOU'RE LYING!" Nanami screeches, "then where did all the blood come from? Answer that for me sweet" Lucifer smirks.

He kicks her in the stomach, nanami hunches over as the air is knocked out of her. She gasps for air and that's when she smells it....
Her delicate nose is almost touching the blood but deeply hidden in the stale scent she defiantly smells it....

She looks up with pure and utter rage, wobbly she manages to stand up. She glares at the green eyes that haunted her dreams, that saw her body in a way only tomoe should have. HE RUINED EVERYTHING!

"Foxie wants to fight?" Lucifer smirks "a utter defeat is what she'll get" Nanami growls lowly as her vision gets red again just like a few months ago in the ally.

But this time she doesn't resist, she'll show them what happens when they hurt her family. She'll show them the most sickening smile as she happily ends their pathetic lifes!

Janiece finally speaks up from the corner she had been standing for the entire time, "may i kill her?" She asks excited "NO! You f*cking b*tch! Defeat! DEFEAT! Father wants her alive"

"Shut your trap spider! I am a well respected witch i can kill you with a twitch of my little pinky" Nanami doesn't waste time as she uses the distraction to lunge at the couple.

"Kill kill kill" she chants monotone, she ranks her nails over the witch' her face. "You will never have my Tomoe!" She yells as she digs her nails deeper in Janiece's tanned skin.

"LIKE HE WOULD STILL WANT YOU AFTER YOU CARRIED ANOTHERS CHILD!" Janiece screeches, nanami's ears pin in both anger and pain. "SHUT UP!!!" Nanami yells but lets out a small whine when she feels cool metal pierce her shoulderblade.

"Finally! That took way to long!" Janiece exclaims. Nanami jumps back and growls at Lucifer "i'll kill you!!" She threathens, "oh i am shaking on my legs" he mocks.

Nanami smirks "you do seems a little....UNBALANCED!" right when she exclaims the last word she kicks his legs from underneath his body. "Oh my... you were so shaking your legs couldn't support your weigth" "...FIRE!"

Bright red flames errupt from nanami's body, she screams. Janiece smiles in victory, but that victory is soon cut short. Nanami stops screaming and laughs "kidding!" She says between laughs.

"My oh my... did you really think fire would work against a kitsune, what an utterly useless b*tch you are... it surprises me that you aren't blond"

(Nothing personal all my lovely blonde readers)

Janiece snarls as her pupils dialate, the fire dies out. "You may be unscratched but what about your clothes?" Nanami looks down and starts trembling "you.... PERVERTS!!!!" in an instant she is replaced by a giant golden fox with bronze accents and silver paws.

Her brown eyes filled with hatred and bloodlust rolls of her in giant waves. "Oh dear looks like we made our vixen mad" Janiece mocks. In a flash is Lucifer behind nanami with her paws painfully twisted underneath her belly.

Nanami hisses as she tries to jerk herself free from his grasp, with a sharp twist of her flexible body she has Lucifer trapped underneath her slim,yet strong paws.

She lets out a victorious yip before digging her claws into his scull. His desperate screams echoe through the cell, janiece looks petrified at the scene infront of her.

"JANIECE! DO URGH....SOMETHING!!" Lucifer pleads. "F-FIRE!" Nanami easily deflects the flames with a swipe of her tail "pathetic" she growls lowly.

"Are you so angry because he killed your child?! Do you even consider how Tomoe would've felt if you gave birth to the monster?!"

Nanami releases Lucifer and jumps on Janiece with a loud roar, she presses the girls face into her half dried blood. "SMELL! BREATHE IN AND REPEAT THOSE WORDS! I DARE YOU!" Nanami threathens.

Oh ho ho what did nanami smell in the blood which made her go full on rage mode *smirk*
That my dear bichachos is for me to know and for you to find out.... see you next chapter bubyeeee~~~~

goddes and her fox familiarWhere stories live. Discover now