Ch54. Cutie Pies

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MiniZawa🐱‍👤: Everyone looks so
great in your costumes!
Give me twirl guys 🤩

Baku💥: Fuck no

Todo❄: I don't fancy this

Mido🥦: There's too much bows and frills...

Kami⚡: Girls are going to make
fun of me 😭😭😭

Iida🏃🏻‍♂️: This is rather uncomfortable

Kiri💪🏻: This isn't manly
is it??

Shin💤: I doubt it

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: It's very manly!
Be proud of yourselves
this is for a good cause
it's to raise money for the school

Baku💥: Tch
why doesn't some pro just donate 
some cash?
Or is UA going broke??

Kami⚡: Don't say that😭
That'd be so horrible

Kiri💪🏻: I don't think UA's broke
otherwise we would know already

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: Yeah I agree with Kiri 

Mido🥦: All Might or Aizawa
hasn't said anything 
so I doubt the school's low on funds

Iida🏃🏻‍♂️: I believe it's so
we as students learn to promote our heroic messages
It also gives us opportunities to inform and educate
our community about the work we are doing and
thus influence others

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: Well said Tenya👏🏻

Iida🏃🏻‍♂️: Thank you [Nickname]

Kami⚡: I'm just curious tho
why are you checking us out???👀

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: I'm not checking you guys out 😒
don't say stuff that'll start rumors

Kiri💪🏻: But you're staring at us
a lot...

Mido🥦: Do we look bad???!

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: That's not what I mean

Shin💤: I'm afraid to know
what you actually mean
that mind of yours is crazy 

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: I was put on supervising 
duty by Momo and Tenya 😇

Todo❄: Why?

Mido🥦: Really?

Baku💥: WHY YOU!?!

Kami⚡: Is that true Iida??

Iida🏃🏻‍♂️: Indeed it is

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: It's because Momo
is busy with the girl's butler suits, so I volunteered
to help out the maids~ (~o ̄3 ̄)~
I gotta make sure they're perfect for today

Kami⚡: More like torture us {{{(>_<)}}}

Kiri💪🏻: Well it's nice of you to help us
we'll do the best we can to help too!

MiniZawa🐱‍👤: Thanks! Now that's
the positive attitude we need

Todo❄: Was it really necessary to 
wear these outfits this early?

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