Ch63. Nullify

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About 1-2 weeks later~

It was finally time to head out and be heroes. Touya had paid me a visit at my dorm early in the morning to wish me luck; he gave me a sweet kiss as my good luck charm.

After that, my dad and I spoke, Touya and him telling me constantly to be careful. For some odd reason they seemed worried. I did my best to reassure them I'd be fine. 

Along with Kirishima and Tetsutetsu we rode the train station to get to our meeting spot. From there on we got into our hero attire and headed out. As we all gathered and got into our groups and positions, our communication chat lit up with the following instructions.

New Messages from ~HeroTeamUp⚔~  Group-chat

FatGum😄: Alright then the
goal for group 1 is to rescue the civilians
group 2 to capture the villains

Hawks🦅: According to the intel
I got, there's about five villains
and two adults and three children
taken hostage

FatGum😄: Okay group 1
as soon as group 2 goes in first 
you'll follow through
proceed cautiously there's many
traps set around so make sure to avoid
them at all cost we don't want to alert them

Hawks🦅: Tsukuyomi, RedRiot, RealSteel,
you three are with me

FatGum😄: Suneater & Nullify
be on your guard
as soon as they go in, then we do

Suneater☀: Right

Nullify👀: Got it!

RedRiot🤜🏻: Let's go then!

RealSteel🤛🏻: Yeah!

Tsukuyomi🌚: We're ready

Hawks🦅: Good
Let's head out
remember to report anything
strange or new intel

FatGum😄: No matter how
small the detail is
it can change the course of things

Tsukuyomi🌚: Alright

Nullify👀: Let's do this! 


Minutes Later~

Nullify👀: I have hostages 
C & D safe and sound 

RedRiot🤜🏻: Awesome!

Suneater☀: I have hostage B

RealSteel🤛🏻: Great job!

Tsukuyomi🌚: Most of the villains are

Hawks🦅: Hold on, there's
one villain missing

FatGum😄: I'm on it!

Suneater☀: I've lost Nullify!
A wall separated us
seems like there's more than two
I have hostages C & D!

FatGum😄: Nullify report back to us

RedRiot🤜🏻: She's not answering

Hawks.🦅: I'll go find her!

RedRiot🤜🏻: I see her! 
RealSteel and I are breaking through!
She's getting ambushed by
three villains!

Tsukuyomi🌚: Hostage A is safe
and secured
Dark Shadow and I will bring them
to the safe zone

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