Ch13. Uncle Toshi

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Minabae💅🏻 started a new chat~ [Name]'s LAC~

Members added:  Lavenderbabe💜, Ochahoney🍯, Tsudarling🍭, BabyZawa💘

~Members online 4~

Ochahoney🍯: Where's Tsu??

Babyzawa💘: She's doing that one
project thing with Iida
Also why is this chat named that???🙄🤨

Minabae💅🏻: We need Tsu cuz
this is the [Name]'s Love
Advice Committee

Lavenderbabe💜: Tf 
Why am I getting dragged into this?
I'm a guy, I don't gossip

Babyzawa💘: The last part be lies
I know you👀

Lavenderbabe💜: Oh shut up😒

Babyzawa💘: I'm just saying¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyways why do I have a love committee????

Minabae💅🏻: To help you of course 
on that 'trip' your taking 
with that 'friend'😏

Ochahoney🍯: Bakugou, Deku
and Todoroki are talking about it

Lavenderbabe💜: Saying that you ditched them

Babyzawa💘: I mean...
they're not wrong 😂

Lavenderbabe💜: I'm curious how did
Aizawa let you go?
he's always overprotective with you

Babyzawa💘: I pulled the 
'I'm old enough' card and
said I was going to a training resort😇

Lavenderbabe💜: He believed that?

Ochahoney🍯: [Name]...
those sleeping pill you asked me
the other day
you didn't...

Minabae💅🏻: OMG did you..
drug your dad??!

Babyzawa💘: Uh no
That was for something else!
I swear!
he looked like he needed
some Z's so I just helped...
 which btw Ocha they worked great!

Lavenderbabe💜: Wow
so this is what your love
life has come to??
Now I really wanna meet the unfortunate guy

Babyzawa💘: Unfortunate??!
What the fuck Shinsou?

Minabae💅🏻: Ooo she mad
Popcorn time🍿

Ochahoney🍯: She said Shinsou 
instead of Hitoshi 👀
Pass the popcorn Mina

Lavenderbabe💜: [Nickname]...
I was joking
of course he's fortunate to have you
shit, I'm sorry

Minabae💅🏻: Why does seem this familiar?

Ochahoney🍯: It's happened before...

LavenderBabe💜: Come on' 
I see you reading my messages
I'll buy you chicken nuggets okay?

Babyzawa💘: 20pc?
all for me? 🥺

Lavenderbabe💜: Fine

Babyzawa💘: Thanks Toshi!
You're the best! 
You'll be the godfather of 
my future child

Lavenderbabe💜: I don't wanna be an uncle yet
but thanks..?

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