Flesh....Zombies...Oh My(23)

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Mystery POV

I watched slowly as the boy came out and ran to her side. She looked distressed and was yelling at him. I noticed the papers scattered around the floor and looked over at the tent. She knew...about the enhanced virus. I heard her discussing it with him. After she had read them she looked....well upset. Confused. Angry. I hadn't wanted her to witness that...it's just the craving...it becomes so much sometimes. I can't control it.

She saw me eat the bunny and watched as the blood dripped all over me. I even had to admit I was disgusted with myself. It wasn't my fault....they had done this to me. To us.

I followed them until they came out into a clearing with a house. I couldn't follow or else I would be discovered. I would look human...well except for the blood all over my face and clothes..

I closed my eyes for a moment and inhaled the scents around me. There were alot more humans...but there were animals as well.

The virus made us crave flesh. I guess you can say in a way we were cannibals but I hadn't eaten a human. I chose to stick with the flesh of animals. That way I wouldn''t feel like a mutated freak. Like one of those mindless zombies that ate....them.

Like Jenni

Don't think about her!

I sighed and looked over to the side. There was a barn and there were guards all over it. They were guarding something...and the curiosity was killing me. What would humans be guarding that needed so many of them at one place? Maybe there food supplies?

Curiosity killed the cat.

Let's see if it kills this one. 

I am going to wait until it gets even darker. That way I can blend into the shadows and creep over there without being seen.

What if you get the craving?

I wouldn't let it get to me... I wouldn't. I shuddered as I remembered my awakening.

I woke up and everything looked....enhanced. Stronger.

"he's awake!" I heard someone say. I turned my head slightly and that's when I smelled it. His hand passed by my face and I smelled it. It smelled so inviting....

I bit into his arm and he cried out. Chaos broke loose and then I turned my head. I recognized her even before she lifted her face up and our eyes met. Jenni. The love of my life. The only girl who I had loved and could see myself with. She was strapped down to a bed and blood covered the front of her body. She was snapping like a rabid animal. I recognized the signs and then looked over in  horror was I saw the two way mirror in the room.

We were being monitored.

I saw the way her eyes followed the wounded man until he exited the room. I looked around and noticed everyone else was asleep and some of them...looked dead. Their eyes were staring upwards....and held no expression what so ever. What had they done to us?

"Jenni...sweetie?" I said.

She turned her head and her eyes met mine. They looked bloodshot. The lovely blue eyes that I hard stared at and fallen in love with were gone. Instead the eyes of a monster stared back at me.

I remember when we were being prepped before we were injected with the disease. The man in charge had told us that some of us would come out differently than the others. Some of us would die....

"Don't you want it?"

"Want what?"

"Their flesh..."

"No." I lied. I felt the need inside but I would not do that! I wouldn't let it take control. We had been chosen along with some others to be part of their experiment. We didn't have much of a say in this.

"Jenni honey...look at me. This isn't who we are! We can fight it!"

"hahahah who says I want to fight it?"

"Jenni don't...come on. We can get through this. I love you."

"What are you saying?!?! Do you see what they gave us. They gave us power..."

"this is wrong!"

I shook myself and then looked over at the barn. Time to get the show on the road. I crept through the shadows and just smelled human and animal. The barn door looked damaged and was wide open. The guards outside were to busy playing cards to notice me slip by. 

I heard people talking up stairs and then followed the sound.

I smelled her....

She was becoming one of us.

I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let another blood hungry monster be created. I was about to grab something and charge into the room when I listened in to what they were saying.

"Allison...she's not going to like this."

"She doesn't need to know man."

"they are practically sisters and she loves Sam! You know how close they are...she would be crushed."

"We can't keep this from her."

"What I don't get is how she got infected..."

"Well Alli did say something about a strawberry field and dead bodies around there...What if the field was contaminated? It would make sense because Sam has this...and she ate the strawberries. Allison didn't and she feels fine."

"I love her....Oscar...I love her."

"I know Joe.."

"I love her." he whispered to himself and I still heard him. I would be doing him a favor. But something stopped me. This girl Allison cared about her.

She was the one from the clearing...

The one who had seen me....

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