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The next day when Seokjin woke up, Namjoon was not in his bed. He squinted his eyes due to the light penetrating his room. He was necked waist up, so he took the nearest shirt and wore it.

"Namjoon-ah?" He looked for him in the washroom but he wasn't there. Seokjin became worried and got out of the room to find him. As he turned towards the corridor leading to the garden, he found someone talking to Kim Seohyun.

He walked near and gasped, "Namjoon?"

Kim Seohyun and Namjoon turned around. "Hyung!" Namjoon called him and smiled brightly. As Seokjin went nearer, Namjoon hugged his side, "You woke up."

"Yeah," Sokjin wrapped his arm around Namjoon's waist and looked at Seohyun, "What are you doing with him."

Namjoon chuckled, "Don't be rude hyung. He was apologising."


"He is right." Seohyun smiled, "And I have to apologise to you too. For being so unreasonable yesterday. I just saw my sister smiling and laughing. She has never been this happy. I guess I will be okay with this arrangement."

Seokjin smiled, "Apology accepted. I hope you are not having any trouble here."

Seohyun shook his head, "No, I am quite enjoying myself here. But we will be leaving today. Thank you for having us."

Seokjin nodded, "As you wish." He snapped his finger and there was an attendant standing in front of them, "Make sure their departure is comfortable." The attendant bowed.

Seokjin looked at Namjoon, "And you, brat. Why are you out of the room? What if anyone saw you?"

Namjoon laughed, "I made sure not to be caught."

"Seohyun-shi caught you."

Namjoon smiled nervously, "Yeah. I am sorry."

Seokjin shook his head and led Namjoon to his room. He closed his eyes and moved his hand over Namjoon. "Now you are free to roam around," Seokjin said, opening his eyes. "Don't go too far, yeah?"

Namjoon nodded. He was about to leave the room but he stopped and turned back, "Hyung, can we go back today?"

Seokjin chuckled and nodded, "Meet me in this room in the afternoon. We will leave after I finish some work here."

Namjoon smiled and left the room.


After coming to the human world, Seokjin started attending meetings that he had postponed due to sudden plans. He sometimes took Namjoon, but mostly he let Namjoon attend the university and do his own work. Today was the day when he didn't take Namjoon with him. THough Namjoon was in the office, he let him do his assignment.

The meeting lasted for more time than he had thought. When he came back, he didn't find Namjoon there. Confused, he checked his phone. There was no text from Namjoon. He shrugged and went to the office. He was putting the files back in the drawer when he found that one of them was slightly opened. He squinted his eyes, "Did I leave this open?"

He opened the drawer and was shocked. Namjoon's pendrive wasn't there. "Someone stole it?"

He quickly sat on the chair and went through the security camera footage. After almost ten minutes, he found Namjoon entering the office. He started finding something and then he tried to open the drawer. But it was locked. He groaned and looked around. He went to the Mario figurine and found the key behind it. He opened the drawer and took out the pendrive. He was about to leave when he got a call. He talked to someone with an irritated expression and then left the office, "What the fuck did you do, Namjoon?"


Jin was standing against the window looking at the sky. The sky was cloudy and he was in pain. Was he not good enough? Did he just trust a human blindly? Was he this dumb? Was he even worthy of being a king? He was thinking about the past few weeks he had spent with Namjoon when he sensed Namjoon coming in.

"Hyung, I have something to tell you."

But before Namjoon could say anything Jin cut him off, "Did you see the clouds today? Aren't they beautiful? Flying like they have nothing to worry about. The freedom that we crave for. The freedom that will never be achieved. Without any lust, greed, just being in their own world. Like the sky is their playground and they play there without any fear of being scolded or being hurt like a baby who doesn't know what betrayal is or what greed is." He took a pause.

Namjoon knew where this was going, "Hyung. listen to me please!"

"There is nothing to talk about now. I thought you would be different from your father. But you are just the same. I gave you all I had, my love, my life, even my deepest secrets. I told you who I really am. And what did you do to me? You went ahead and betrayed me." Jin was still staring out of the window, but Namjoon could hear the crack in his voice. Jin sniffled and continued, "Namjoon, if you ever loved me or even liked me, please leave me alone. I don't want to see your face."

Namjoon looked at the glass reflecting Jin's face. Jin's eyes were dark blue, he felt like something inside him broke. Jin was truly feeling betrayed and sad. It also had a tint of red in it. He was angry too. Namjoon took a deep breath, "If that's what you want then fine, I'll leave you. But when you find out the truth, I'll still be waiting for you. I love you hyung. I really love you." With this Namjoon left the office. But he was still standing close to the door. He heard a shout in the office and then noises of a few things being thrown and broken. He wanted to go in and see if Jin was okay, but he decided against it and went out of the building.

As Namjoon was leaving, Jin looked at the younger, one last time from the window. He had so much anger bottled up in himself. Mainly on himself for trusting the human blindly, even when he knew that he was just going to be betrayed like his father. Jin went up on the terrace and screamed at the top of his lungs showing every vein that ran through his neck. The scream was so loud that the clouds broke due to his voice. It started raining heavily. Red energy was emitting through him. He raised his hand in front of him, the hand was glowing bright blue, almost black, and started speaking a spell repeatedly and then made a fist. He punched the fist high in the air, in particular, nothing but its effect was frightening. There was huge lightning and luckily it fell in the river. Seokjin used this much energy for the first time in years. He had not used this energy after the fight with the humans which made him feel dizzy. He passed out on the office terrace, wet and cold, freezing due to the rain. 

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