18 [Rewritten]

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Jin woke with an alarm going off in his ears. He stood up half awake and a brush came to him itself. He opened his mouth and it started brushing Jin's teeth. After brushing, he stood under the shower and the right temperature water started running out. He rinsed his body and went out of the shower. When he went to the kitchen breakfast was ready and he sat there eating the food. (Ah! To have a life like that!)

Taehyung and Jungkook joined him for breakfast. "Your highness, are you going out?" Jungkook commented looking at what Jin was wearing. He was wearing a pink t-shirt and black jeans. His hair was styled but not professionally.

He finishes the content in his mouth before speaking. "I'm going to the orphanage."

Taehyung smiled, "Can I come? Please?"

Jin shook his head, "I'm taking Namjoon with me."

Taehyung choked on his drink and started coughing. Jungkook rubbed circles on Taehyung's back. "You know what you are doing right?" Taehyung asked, finally settling down.

"I know Tae. It's time I test him." Taehyung and Jungkook nod and continue eating.

"I'll see you in two hours. Don't do anything funny in my house. If you want to get touchy, I have given you your own house, go there. If you become hungry in the meantime, there is food in the fridge. Bye. Take care." Both boys rolled their eyes and nodded to every information Jin gave.

When Jin left, Taehyung snaked his hand around Jungkook's waist and looked at him with the utmost adoration. Jungkook's cheek grew pink and he hid his face in Taehyung's neck. "Let's play overwatch," Taehyung said caressing his waist. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with literal stars in his eyes and nodded frantically like a little but overgrown puppy. Taehyung laughed and pulled him to his room.

Jin got out of the car and was greeted by his cute secretary with a bow. He smiled and checked Namjoon's clothes. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a black blazer and black skinny jeans. Jin smiled and hummed in satisfaction. "Ready to go?"

Namjoon nodded and joined him in the car. "Why are we going to an orphanage?" Namjoon asked for something in his tablet.

"You'll see." Jin replied, closing his eyes and resting his head on the headrest of the car.

They reach the building but Jin is still sleeping, his hands folded against his chest and lips slightly parted. Namjoon smiles and decides to wait for fifteen minutes before waking him up. He stared at Jin's handsome face taking in all the details.

He is an angel. How is he so flawless? His lips look so kissab... Wait. Shit, what am I thinking? But I think I-

He sighed heavily and turned his attention to the tablet. After almost twenty minutes he decided to wake Jin up. "Hyung, we reached." He said not touching him as if he would break if he touched the sleeping beauty.

Jin steered and yawned cutely making Namjoon blush hard. "Let's go."

As soon as they reached the building a small boy came running to the duo, "Appa..."

Jin smiled and held his hands out. As the kid jumped, he caught him and threw in the air playfully catching him again. "How's my little bean doing?"

The kid giggled on the nickname, "I'm good Appa. Did you come to take me with you?"

Jin's smile dropped, "I'm sorry baby, I can't take you right now. I still don't have a caretaker for you."

The kid smiled, "It's okay Appa, I'll wait for you."

Jin smiled sadly and kissed his forehead, "I promise you that in the next six months I'll take you home, okay?"

The kid frantically nodding. Then his eyes caught Namjoon who was admiring the father-son duo with a soft smile, "Appa, who is this ahjusshi?"

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