Chapter four

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Alaines *POV*
I felt my heart sink down to my stomach, coldness washed over me like a wave,I quickly turned back to face the teacher, not hearing a word he said I was caught up in my thoughts and memories of the past, I looked up at the teacher and raised my hand
"May I go to the bathroom" I quietly spoke and the teacher nodded

I've never stood up so fast in my life, in fact, this had to be an Olympic record of standing up so quickly, I rushed out into the hall and began to cry before making it to the bathroom, I passed by classrooms, hoping no one watched me through the windows, I tried my best to walk as fast as possible, once I reached the bathroom I continued to break down in a stall, all of the horrible memories rushed through my head

I knew I had to calm myself down, I stood up wiping my tears and washed my face with some cold water, i took in a deep breath and walked outside, slowly walking back to my class, I began to shake, I can't go back in there, I stopped in the middle of the hall, forgetting the classes beside me and their windows, I turned back around and began pacing

"Miss?" A voice made me jump and looked over to see a teacher from one of the classes standing at the door
"What are you doing?" She asked and I just stared at her, what was I supposed to even say?
"I Uhm, I'm just going back to class" I quickly began to walk off into the direction of my class

"Welcome back" my teacher spoke as I entered the room, I didn't dare to look at the rest of the class so I kept my eyes on my desk, I sat in my own fear, waiting for the bell to go, it felt like it was taking years, centuries even

A high pitch bell broke my thoughts and I quickly jumped up grabbing my things and running out of the class, I headed off to our first break and walked into the cafeteria, my eyes scanned the room and I still didn't know where to sit, as I was scanning I saw Cole looking directly at me, my heart sank again and I walked to and empty table

I pulled out my phone and began to play games on it, I didn't feel hungry due to obvious reasons, I felt someone sit across the table and I looked up, it was him, my phone dropped out of my hands
"Hey princess" the words coming from his mouth made me want to puke

I quickly stood up and went to walk off when he grabbed my arm
"Sit back down" I turned my head and looked at him in fear, a familiar hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back away from the hands grasp
"Is there an issue?" Cole spoke softly and I seemed to calm down knowing he was there

I heard a chuckle and looked back at the table
"No problem at all...Cole" he spoke
"Who are you?" Cole asked
"Names Sam, transferred here today" he smiled
"And you know my name why?" ~Cole
"I know everyone who hangs around my girl" he smirked

Coles hand tightened around my waist
"She's not yours" ~Cole
Sam raised his eyebrow
"Ahhh, I see, the slut already got a new guy huh?"

Suddenly the hand around my waist was gone, instead, it was in Sam's face, knocking him to the ground, I stared in utter shock as I watched him lay there, blood nose and all, Cole grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the cafeteria, I couldn't speak, even if I could, what would I say?

Cole continued to drag me out of the school and into the parking lot, as we reached his car, he opened the passenger door seat
"Uh Cole?" I said before he picked me up and placed me into the seat, he didn't respond and shut the door, walking around the car into the drivers side, he got in and started driving, I didn't know where we were going, he didn't seem like he wanted to speak either, so I leaned my head against the window and shut my eyes

*Coles POV*
Watching his grummy hand wrap around her arm was the last straw, the thought of that disgusting pricks eyes even landing on her should have been the last straw, I quickly stood up walking over to her, quickly wrapping my arm around her waist

"Is there an issue?" My eyebrow raised and I turned to look at his munted face, he chuckled
"Not at all" his slimy words came out, i was already beyond mad, hearing that voice just made it even worse.
"Who are you?" I asked
"Names Sam, transferred here today" he smiled at me
"And you know my name why?" ~Cole
"I know everyone who hangs around my girl" he smirked

My hand tightened around Alaines waist
"She's not yours"
Sam raised his eyebrow
"Ahhh, I see, the slut already got a new guy huh?"

"Thats is" I muttered to myself before jumping towards him, my fist colliding with his ugly face, I stood up and grabbed Alaine, walking outside the room and into the hallway, didn't take long before we reached the schools parking lot.

"Uh cole?" Alaine softly spoke but I ignored, I knew if I responded I would yell at her, it wasn't her fault but the anger that I'm feeling wouldn't stop. I opened the car door and picked her up, placing her on the seat, I shut the door and walked over to the drivers side, quickly hoping in, I sped off

*Alaines POV*
The car jolting forward made me jump, i realised I had snoozed off while he drove, I looked over at cole who was getting out of the car, then I looked outside, we were at a house? A big house, one of those houses that you see in romance movies after the couple gets together and they move in to start their life and have kids, yeh well one of those houses

"Come on" I jumped again and snapped out of my head, looking over at cole who was waiting for me to get out the car, quickly getting out I walked over to him
"Who's house is this? Is it yours?" I asked and he nodded in response

I followed him up to the door and waited for him to unlock it, once he did, he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house, taking me upstairs to where I had already presumed, his bedroom

He opened the door and I was correct, the smell of mint mixed with vanilla was strong, but comforting, I smiled as I walked around his room, looking at everything, his bed was a wooden frame, with red and black sheets, his desk was black and tucked away in the corner of the room, the lamp shade was black aswell

I walked over to a the closet, I wanted to know if all his clothes where just all black
"Don't open that" coles voice snapped and I looked over to him, he was sitting on the bed
"Why not?" I asked and he raised an eyebrow
"It'll scare you" he layed back on the bed....

To be continued ♥️

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