Chapter one

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*Alaine's POV*

I walk into my what I'm hoping is the right classroom and every single persons eyes turn to me, the new girl, I stay quite as the teacher stares at me blankly
"And you are?" The teacher asks
"I'm Alaine...Alaine Micheals" I reply and he nods his head as he goes though some papers
"Mhm, go take a seat.." he looks around "at the back" and points to the back of the room next to a boy who has his head down and hoodie over him

I walk to the back while everyone's eyes pierce holes into my back, upon sitting down the boy who I assumed was asleep shuffled over a bit, I sit down and sigh as I look at the time 9:14am
"It takes years for this class to be over" I hear a muffled voice say and turn to the boy next to me

"Huh?" I say clueless and he lifts his head up
"I said it takes years for this class to be over"
I nod slightly and take time to look at the boy, my eyebrows raise as I notice he has two different colour eyes, one light brown and then one light green, his freckles match the same colour as the light brown eye, I smile at him when we make eye contact, i can't help but stare at him and how perfect he is, his lips move but I'm not listening

"Little girl" his voice growls causing me to stiffen up
"Y-yes" I barely spit the words out, he started straight into my eyes
"If someone is talking to you don't you think that you should be listening to them?" I nod slowly
"Listen to me next time"
"O-okay sorry"
Time passes slowly and thank god it is finally lunch, I pack my things up, walk out and start to head to the cafeteria

"Alaine!" I turn around to see a familiar face, I watch as she runs down the hallway and try to figure out who she couldn't be? Could it?
"Sarah?" I ask hesitantly and she smiles
"Oh thank god you remember me, I thought you forgot, after all it has been 10 years since we moved" I start remembering even more when she says that, my old best friend, we were inseparable until her dad got a new job in this town and had to move, I completely forgot she lived here

"I was a bit confused at first but now I remember" she hugs me and I return it
"Let's go get some lunch" she says as she grabs my hand leading me into the cafeteria, we grab our food and head over to an empty table,
"soooo it's been forever, catch me up?" She asks and I nod

~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~
After I finish telling her everything she looks sad"so that's why u guys moved here?" I reply by nodding my head
"Oh Alaine I'm so-"
"Don't say ur sorry, it's okay" I cut her off, she nods and we finish eating while she catches me up with her life. The bell rings and we both go our separate ways to our classes

I walk in and look around for a place to sit, my eyes land on a familiar face, he looks at me and then I realise it's him from before, I'm still let to learn his name..., I walk through the class and sit infront of him, the teacher walks in and starts to teach the class

Halfway through the class a guy walks in and passes the teacher a note " It seems to be your lucky day Cole, pack ur things and go" The guy from behind me stands up and grabs his things... so his name is cole huh?'s a nice name I won't lie, just as he walks out he stops and turns around looking directly at me?? No he must be looking at someone else, I look around but no one else seems to look at him, I stare back confused and he sends me a smirk followed by him walking out.

Did he just..smirk at me? No I must've been thinking too much, it was probably a friendly smile that's all..right?, the rest of the class continues on until the bell goes 
"everyone you may go.. Alaine please stay back" the teacher says and I nod confused, one everyone is gone I walk up to his desk
"Yes sir?" I ask and he looks up to me
"I just wanted to see how your first day here treated you" he smiles and I sigh
"It was good, I found an old friend" I smile and he nods
"Well off you go, I've got work to do" I nod and walk out the door to be surprised by empty halls?

What did everyone just run home or something? I sigh and walk to my locker putting my books away and grabbing my bag, a large hand closes my locker leaving a loud bang to go through the hallway, I jump and look at the person to blame. It was him... he looks at me as if he were studying me
"Can I help you" I huff annoyed at his rude attitude
He raises and eyebrow "no....just thought I should give this back... "he hands me a pacifier and I freeze

I don't know what to do... I swear I had left that in my bag...
"Are you going to take it?" He looks at me and I feel my mouth go dry, I start to tear up at the embarrassment I feel, I start to reach for it but he pulls away causing me to put my head down
"Follow me" he says and starts to walk into a classroom, I follow him inside and he shuts the door, I keep my head down as I fight back my tears, who knows what he will do, I feel his fingers place into my chin and tilt my head up, he brings the pacifier up with his other hand and places it into my mouth

I stay frozen not knowing what to do... did he just-? I- what do I even say...He watches me closely in silence until he breaks it "don't lose it next more careful with it" he says and walks out the room, I watch until he closes the door again, I take out the pacifier and place it in my bag for sure this time...

~~~~~~~~an hour later~~~~~~~
I lay in my bed with my favourite stuffie and the same pacifier in my mouth, I can't help but think about Cole, why he acted like that...was he a-? No stop it Alaine, your being dumb and overthinking. I huff and get up off my bed
"ALAINE" I hear shouting from downstairs, I take out the pacifier and walk down to see my parents and little brother sitting at the table
"Come and eat" my mother says and I nod

After dinner I decided I needed a bath to relax and to stop thinking about today, I put on My Little Pony and slip into the bathtub, I giggle throughout the show and when one episode is over I get out and change into comfy PJ's, I yawn as I lay down on my bed and begin to fall asleep...I wonder what tomorrow awaits...

Hey all!! Let me know in the comments if u liked this book and if I should continue it?

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