Chapter two

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*Alaines POV*
"You're such a bad girl" his voice growls into my ear making me whimper, I feel his hands run up my thigh and slowly start to pull my panties down, I moan when he kisses my neck and grab the back of his head, he pulls back and stares into my eyes
"Who do you belong to Alaine?"
I go to respond but nothing comes out
"Alaine?"he says, yet again I can't respond

"Alaine!" I jump up from my bed and wipe the sweat from my forehead...did I just- did I just have a wet dream about cole?
"You're going to be late" I look over and see my mother standing at the door, I groan and force myself out of bed. I lazily walk over to my closet and grab my clothes for the day, as I change into them I can't help but think about the dream I had..., why did I even have it?, I shake the thoughts out of my head and finish getting ready

I head downstairs to the kitchen and grab some fruit
"Hey honey how was your sleep?" My mother asked
"It was good..." there's no way I am telling her about the dream
"You are going to be late" my mother points to the clock, 8:55am, I rush out the door, luckily for me school is about a 10 minute walk so I shouldn't be too late

I walk through the front entrance of the school and head to my first class,luckily for me it's the same as yesterday's first class so I won't be lost, I yawn as I walk in and the whole class turns to look at me
"Late again" the teacher says and I just nod, I'm not in the mood to explain myself so I just walk to the same seat as yesterday, then it hits me when I see him. Cole it sitting there staring at me and all the memories of yesterday flash back

"Ughh sir can I swap seats with someone by any chance?" I ask and the teacher seems to think before giving me a clear "no" and a thousand reasons why he is saying no, I sit down and try not to make any contact with him
"So you are going to ignore me now?" He huffs and I pretend I don't hear him
"I am talking to you" he growls and turns my head to face him, I'm speechless, like what the fuck was I supposed to say? "Thanks for finding my pacifier dude" like no, I am already embarrassed enough and I don't want to talk

"I want to talk with you at lunch" he states and I nod, I know there's no getting out of it until it just happens and is done with, I turn back to the teacher and continue the lesson

~~~~~second period~~~~~~
I walk into my second period classroom and sit down near the front, it's English so it's okay I guess, our teacher walks in 10 minutes late and seems very stressed, her hair is messy and her makeup is badly done
"Pull out a reading book and start reading" she says with barley any breath left. I take out my book and start reading it, I know this is cliché but I love the fault in our stars and this is my tenth time reading it

I begin to cry when I get up to Augustus's death, the teacher looks at me and rushes over
"Oh dear what's wrong? Do you want to go to the bathroom and freshen up" I go to tell her that it's just from the book but before I know it I am out the door, I sigh and take this advantage to wonder around a bit, I walk down the empty and quite halls when I get pulled into a classroom, I go to scream but a hand is covering my mouth
"Shhhh calm down baby it's okay" I look up and see Cole towering over me, I calm down a bit knowing it's just him, he removes his hand and strokes my cheek

I can't help but feel at peace from it and I don't know why
"Why'd you pull me into this room?" I ask and he walks over to the teachers chair and sits down patting his lap, I raise an eyebrow
"As if I'm going to sit on your lap" i scoff and he just stares at me
"Sit, now" he says sternly and I feel my feet walk over to him, I stop and hesitate but he grabs me pulling me into his lap, he put my head to lean on his chest which causes my body to move into a cradling position

I can't help but feel safe? I don't know what it is, I feel him chuckle a bit and look up towards him, he stares down at me and moves his hand to my face.
"Why did you pull me into the room and ma-" I'm interrupted when he puts his thumb halfway into my mouth, I turn bright red and freeze not knowing what to do, he continues to watch me and slides his thumb in a bit more, i begin to feel little as I suck on his thumb
"Just as I thought" he mumbles
"What?" I ask through his thumb
"You are indeed a little" he says while pulling his thumb out my mouth, i shuffle in his lap trying to get out but he holds me tight, who does this guy think he is, I push his hand that was holding me off and stand up
"What else?" He growles

I scoff and walk towards the door as he watches me
"None of your business" I look back at him before walking out and shutting the door, I walk down the hall way thinking to myself about everything that just happened, why did I suck on his thumb? Am I that stupid? What if he tells people? I head to my locker and decide to just go home from now. I need a break from this dude before I actually go crazy

I lay down on my bed and look at the time 2:50pm
"I'd be in last period now" I laugh to myself, I roll over and grab a colouring book and pacifier from underneath my bed, I begin to colour in as my eyes get heavier and heavier
"Maybe a nap" I mumble through the pacifier and fall asleep in place

*Cole's POV*
"I'm here to see Alaine" her mother smiles at me and motions for me to come in
"I didn't know she made friends so soon...she's up in her room, go ahead" she points up the stairs and to the room just in sight, I nod and head towards her room

To be continued ;)

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