Chapter 10

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Alaines POV*
After my second class with Cole we headed over to the cafeteria for a break, we had a good 20 minutes until our next class so we decided to have a small snack and chat, Lucas had met us in the cafeteria and other students began flooding it soon enough

"How was your second class baby?" Lucas asked as he sat down across from me
I smiled "it was okay, history really isn't my thing"
"Yeah me either" he chuckled and handed me a fruit salad "eat up"

I smiled and opened it up, I loved fruit salad, it had to ultimately be one of the best things in the universe, the boys began to chatter while I wondered off into my own little world, thinking about the different fruits I was eating

"Did you hear we are getting a new teacher?" Cole rubs my leg and I turn my head up to him
"Oh? What class" I ask
"I believe it science, the one class we all share together" he smiles and I return it
"How fun, I hope they're nice" the boys nod

~ a couple hours later~
School finishes up with the ring of the bell and we are soon off again back to Cole and Lucas' house, I follow behind them as we go up into Cole's room

"Let's get you into something comfy baby" Cole says while taking my shoes off, I smile and let him find me  some cute comfy clothes and he helps me change into them, during this I can't help but feel little

*Coles POV*
I help dress Alaine into comfier clothes, watching as I fix her hair up I notice she's become alot more non verbal, Lucas walks into the room and smiles at the sight of her

"Well don't you look amazing" he says and she blushes
"Why don't we do an activity and watch a movie" I chime in and walk over to the TV to turn it on

Alaine sits down onto the bed and Lucas grabs some colouring sheets and crayons, we both sit down with her on the bed and I scroll through Netflix wondering what to put on

After what seems like an eternity I finally find a movie I think Alaine will enjoy, 'Mitchell vs the machines'
I click play and Alaines eyes are drawn to the TV, completely forgetting that colouring exists

I smile and watch her for a while, she's gorgeous, undoubtedly the prettiest girl I've seen, she lays down on the bed on her stomach and Lucas rubs her back softly, soon enough she's out cold

"She really is adorable" Lucas says and I nod looking over at the time
"We should get some dinner into her though" my brother nods in agreement
"Pizza?" He questions and I smile grabbing my phone to order it

"You know we shouldn't get attached to her" my brother says after I finish ordering the pizza
"I just want to feel normal and her being here with us feels good, I don't want to go back to our dark side" I reply and he nods slightly
"We can't keep running forever"
"I know" I say while standing up  "wake her up soon I'm gonna go downstairs and set up for dinner, we'll keep her down there until bed time so she gets out of the room a bit" my brother nods and I head downstairs

While I'm setting up the doorbell rings, I walk over to the door, not expecting pizza as it's only been 8 minutes, I open the door and see Sam standing there with a few men behind him
"Hey buddy" he smiles widely
"What the fuck do you want?" I growl and he chuckles a bit
"Oh nothing, I'm just here to collect my girl, I know she's here so if you could just go ahead and bring her out to me that'd be great" he grins
"Fuck no, why don't you and your little friends get the fuck off my property before you start something you can't finish" I go to slam the door but he stops it with his foot and pushes his jacket aside to show he gun
"You'd be wise to let us in to get her" he spits and I quickly kick his foot away, slamming the door shut and locking it before running up to my brother and Alaine

"Take Alaine to aunt Josephine's house and make sure she's safe, that prick from earlier is here and has his men around the house, I'll cover while you get her out" Lucas is quick to move, he opens a few drawers pulling out a pistol and loading it up, he pulls out some more things, stocking himself up
I gently shake Alaine "sweetie it's time to wake up" she grumbles and grips her teddy bear tighter "Don wana"
I sigh and shake her again "Alaine this is serious, you need to get up and go with Lucas now" I use a more stern voice and her eyes pop open as she sits up gently, we hear a bang downstairs which I can only assume is the door being hit on

Lucas comes over and grabs her hand dragging her out of bed, she's confused scared but follows him and he runs out the bedroom and down the hallway to another room, I follow them as I see the door get kicked in the the men start the come into the house
"What's happening" Alaine whispers as she cries a little, we enter the room and I shut the door behind us locking it, Lucas opens the closet door and kicks away at the bags on the floor of it, a small latch is there a he pulls on it reveal a small hole to climb down to
"We are going into the basement baby follow me" he says and jumps down there reaching his arms up for her to follow, she looks at me and I give her a kiss on the head "go on baby it's for your safety" she nods and follows, I follow behind her making sure to cover our tracks, once we are all down the ladder Lucas leads us to a small tunnel we kept hidden behind tarp, as we're about to walk through it Alaine stops "I'm scared please tell me what's happening"

Lucas sighs and grabs her hand "baby we will, this tunnel is gonna lead us outside first, right now there's men looking for you and we gotta get you out okay?" He says reassuringly, she sighs and follows him and I follow behind

I know that if they catch up I'll stay behind, that was the plan and is still the plan, what matters is that we get her out of here and somewhere safe

We finally reach the end and climb up another ladder, Lucas opens a hatch at the top and the moonlight reflects on us, we all climb out of the hole and I see our car we had parked here when we first moved to this town for this reason

"Let's go" I grab Alaines hand and we head to the car, Lucas unlocks it and we get in, I buckle Alaine in the backseat and give her a blanket we had left in the boot, she hugs it along with her teddy bear and I kiss her head before getting into the passenger seat, Lucas is quick to drive off

"Where are we going? Alaine asks
"We are going to our aunts house, it's about an hour from here, we will be safe there" I reply
"What happened back there?" She asks again
"Your ex, Sam came to the door with a few guys, they wanted you" I say
She sighs "I can't believe he followed me"

"Baby you need to tell us everything that happened with him, then we need to have a chat with you" Lucas says and she nods in the back seat
"Words" I say
"Okay... can I tell you when we get to the house? I'm tired" she yawns
"Get some rest we will wake you up when we get there" Lucas smiles at her through the mirror and she smiles back

Soon enough she's asleep
"What the fuck" Lucas says aloud
"What the fuck indeed, once we get to the house we have some serious research to do" I say and he nods


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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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