Chapter 8

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Yes I know it's been a bit since I've updated, blah blah blah, it's sometimes hard to find motivation to write and to be fair I'm lazy, I'm really sorry, I'm going to try my best to get this story out there, I just need to remember!! Thank you all for sticking around tho


Alaines POV
I'm too stunned to say anything, I just stand there stupidly staring at Cole who is smiling and Lucas who is still staring down at me with my lingerie in his hand

"Come on, let's head back now, you got everything you need?" Cole breaks the silence and I nod walking over to my bag

"Do you wanna bring any of your Littlespace stuff?" Lucas asks and I pause for a moment then walk into my closet, I pull out a small bag that I keep all of my Littlespace gear in and walk back out
"Okay let's go" I smile at the both of them and we walk out of my room and downstairs

"Alaine?" I hear my mothers voice and I stop, Lucas and Cole pause behind me too.

"is that your mother?" Lucas whispers and i nod my head slowly, i continue walking down the steps and walk into the living room and see my mother sitting down on the couch, she turns around and stands up, she doesnt say anything at first but when the two boys walk in and stand on either side of me, she scoffs

"so this is what you have been up to huh? whoring around with these two?" she sits back down

"actually-" Cole goes to speak but i put my hand up infront of him

"dont worry about her" i say and turn around to walk out the door, my mother isnt really worth it and right now, i sure as hell dont want to deal with her.

*Lucas POV*

i watch my beautiful girl walk out the door and see my brother follow her, i decide right now is not the time to greet her one of a kind mother and i follow them out the door.

Cole decides to drive and i sit in the back with Alaine, she seems a little distracted in her own little mind so i wondered what would happen if i decided to toy with her a bit, i rested my hand on her thigh and began to trace up her leg, when i hit midthigh she turned at looked at me, he face all flustered

"what are you doing" she whispered, as if Cole isnt already watching us through the mirror, i smirk and trace my hand up higher but stop once i reach her panties, he breathing hitches and she continues to stare at me with wide eyes

"do you want me to stop princess?" i ask and she is quick to shake her head no
"words princess" i say and she looks back at Cole to see if he notices and blushes even more when she sees him staring back at her in the mirror, she looks back to me
"dont stop please" she whispers and looks down

I twist my hand and brush my thumb over her panties and press down on her clit, she states down at my hand and gasps when I do, I push harder and begin to rub her clit in circles, changing it up a bit until she grabs my wrist and begins letting out soft whimpers, I look up and see Cole staring at us through the mirror, he smiles but I can't help but notice a hint of jealousy

I stop rubbing her and move my hand inside of her panties, her head leans back as I stick a finger in and she lets out a soft moan

"Alaine?" Cole says which makes her head snap up
"Yes?" She breathes, her head tilting upwards to look at him
"Don't tell me you're getting off from my brother finger fucking you in the backseat of my car"

She whimpers "I'm- I'm not"
I raise my eyebrow and push another finger into her, she lets out a louder moan as I start pumping them in and out, curling them at the right angle

"It seems like it to me" Cole mutters and pulls up to the driveway, I smile when I see him mutter the words "inside now" and remove my hand from her, she whines and looks at me with wide eyes

"Coke on Princess, time to go inside" I say and she nods and hops out, I follow behind her as we walk through the front door and up into my room, I sit down on the bed and motion for her to come to me, Cole watches us from the corner of the room

I bend her over my leg, exposing her wetness from earlier
"Fuck baby, that got you all riled up huh?" I gently stroke her ass, she doesn't say anything so I give it a slap, causing her to jump
"Y-yes" she looks down at the carpet and hides her face, I look over to Cole who is walking over to us, he stops infront of her and ducks down to see her face, lifting her chin up he smiles when he sees her

"I bet you look real pretty when you cum" he gives her a kiss on the cheek and looks up at me, I smile knowing exactly what he is wanting me to do, I stick my finger in her and begin pumping her again, she whines and I push another finger in, moving my hand around so that I can circle her clit with my thumb

*Coles POV*
God she was fucken pretty when she moaned, her nose scrunches up whenever she gets a little overwhelmed, I look up at my brother who is staring directly at her juices coating his hand, he reaches around and begins spanking her lightly which causes her to cry out, she shuts her eyes and her hand moves up to my shoulder for support
"Are you okay baby" I hum to her
"I'm- im gonna" she barely gets out
"Cum on his fingers baby, look at me while you do" I tilt her head up with my hand, forcing her to look at me while she does, Lucas starts going faster and faster, the spankings don't slow down, soon enough she lets out a little scream as she cums around his fingers

Her eyes flutter as she fights to keep them open and her grip on my shoulder tightens, her mouth creates an "o" shape and a heavy breath is released, her head drops and he legs shake a little as Lucas removes his fingers
"Well done baby" he coos as he lifts her up onto his lap, her head immediately goes into his chest and she yawns

She's adorable, I stand up and go get the cream to put on her ass, I'm sure it's red from the amount of spanks she just received...
I come back to them laying on the bed, Alaine is laying on her stomach, snuggling close, I walk over and began placing the cream on her red ass

God it was beautiful, I want it to bruise but at the same time I dont.. maybe, once I'm done I walk back to the bathroom and place the cream back, when I'm back in the room I see Alaine passed out on Lucas which causes me to laugh a little

"Perfect ain't she?" My brother says and I nod
"Just don't go to rough on her yet... she's still learning and I don't want her to get scared of us" I worry and my brother hums

"Don't worry brother, I have a good feeling she'll be sticking around, now go cook dinner, I'll get her up soon, can't have her sleeping before bedtime, she won't sleep" he scoffs and I walk out

He is right tho, although naps never hurt anyone
Except for when you take one of those naps and wake up 2 hours later and it feels like it's been a year, you are all sweaty and confused, an alarm for some reason is going off and then you're parents are yelling at you for something....

Pasta for dinner?


Ok look, I'm sure this isn't the best chapter but I'm trying, no clue where I'm taking this story, kinda just playing it out by chapter, update on characters ages and info
Alaine is 17
The boys are 18, parents are away atm so not at home, they don't have a great relationship with them, parents kinda just live out the house while travelling
All three are graduating this year! Alaine turns 18 this year too.... There will be age/pet play sex, she will not be fully in Littlespace however she will have a pacifier and a stuffed animal, please do not see her regressing as a sexual thing- it is not :(

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