Michael and Thief

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Once upon a time In London, Michael named person was living. His Father and Mother were living in California Hence, They were worrying that Michael is very careless.He do not lock the door at Night.His
home was messed with clothes and other things everywhere.His Father contacted him and said "Please worry about you and us we have only one child and we are not very rich" And not listening to his Father he continued his careless way at a Night, when he was sleeping a thieve camed in his home and he theft some important things like his TV,Mobile,Some clothes etc. When Michael awakened he saw that some important things are missing and he know that now anyone has theft in his home.Now he thought to take help of police He went to police station and tell the police anyone has theft his house at Night. The Policeman asked you have seen the thieve at Night, Michael said no then.
Policeman asked is your door locked at Night,Michael was afraid but he tell the truth that "I am careless" The Police started investigation by the way he contacted his Father and said his home was theft by a thief. His father said my child you should think about it first.Then Michael said i agreed to your words, Now Police is investigating i hope they can catch the theif fast after Two weeks the Police said them to come at Police station He went to Police station.The Policeman said "Sorry,Michael we can't find the theif".Michael was very sad he returned home back.And he now understand what the Father said that i should be Careful not Careless.And after that, He become careful and shut his door at Night.

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