Police Reinvestigation

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Police started Reinvestigation when they got a proof about thieve They called Michael in thier police station and Said "We are starting Reinvestigation" Michael was not very happy he tell his phone number at police station at get back home. The Police were first checking CCTV They saw the thief was running in CAM 02
They were shocked that the face has been not recorded, After that Police go to CAM 02 Location and they started asking the people that anyone has seen a thief , Everyone says 'No'
Then the Police started taking wise people as thier Like something Detective then the Dectitive were active in the small village. After two weeks the police got a proof from thier Dectitive about the thief selling Michael TV, When Police heard this Happy News they were going at the Location...Next part is about the police has catch the thief or not.

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