Police LOL

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The terrorist was very away from London the Police and Military were becoming ready for big battle they were takin thier important armoury and they also take a Rocket launcher for emergency The Military were thinking that they have to take tanks but they finally decide if we take tanks the area will be destroyed they were now ready at 12:00 Clock they contacted the terrorist area police to
tell everyone to be in thier home the police and military reached the area but the terrorist eas not seen they scanned full area but no single person was found they were shocked and say himself “OH MY GOD” were they go after that they started to ask each and everyone house that anyone has seen the terrorist the people were saying no but after some time they asked one person you have seen the terrorist he said ‘Yes’ then police asked surprisingly where he said i saw them from my room window at night at the beach with a boat the police said do you know where the go the person said No...In the Next part we will saw the journey of terrorist.

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