The Decision Of The Court

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The theif had been taken into court the thief Mother and Father also camed and they were shocked that thier son has theft Michael also camed
with thier lawyer the judge said to show order first Michael lawyer said the thef has theft the house the thief lawyer said to you have any proof the judge also said the court needs proof after listening that Michael laeyer shoen the CCTV Footage then thief lawyer said we cannot see the face of that thief he is not this one thief then the Michael lawyer called the trader from which the thief trade the tv he called the trader in witness and asked him to sy the truth "The trader said the thief camed to me and tell me to sell this tv i dont know that this tv was be theft then i trade the tv from him after that the trader shown also the tv and Michael approved and said that its my TV "He is the thief! Catch him!" When judge saw all this proof the thief lawyer was in silence the judge than decided to give a jail of three years to the thief because he theft Michael's house after that the police take the thief to the prison and locked him. After that the police returned all the things that was theft
Michael was very happy now...In the next chapter we will saw how Thief escaped from prison.

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