Police and Terrorist

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The thief planned that he should go to a big terrorist he arrived to a big terrorist and joined his gang Michael thought to complaint again theif he go to police station again and sayed that the thief was trying to kill me the police said that our sub-inspector and
Assistant Inspector had gone to search
the theif, By the time they were saying the inspector had a phone call on his number from Assistant Inspector he said“ i have seen the theif under a building at London come here fast ”
The Police come with thier Police force and speak with the big terrorist
He said “ Give the theif to us we will arrest you ” The Terrorist said “ no, This theif is now on our gang you cannot do anything of us ” The Police taked a position and the terrorist gang also take a position and started attacking each of them due to there attack all the people nearby this war were in there house safe the war take 1 Hour and the police force had to return back means ‘ The terrorist gang has winned the first war ’...
In the next chapter we will talk about
The plan of the terrorist.

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