Chapter 16: Interrogation

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"Padawan Tano you have been bought before this Council with evidence that you have broken the Jedi Code regarding no attachments. Do you deny this accusation?" Mace Windu asked her with no hint of sorrow and only annoyance. 

Ahsoka didn't bother looking at him and instead kept her eyes trained on the floor. "Partially, Masters. I have become friends with Lux Bonteri and I enjoy being his friend. I don't believe there is anything wrong with that." Ahsoka could feel the shock in the room at her statement but right now she didn't care. 

"Ahsoka, I understand your confusion about the Code but it's there for a reason. It keeps us and others safe to stop the Dark Side from getting to us. We have a gift and it's important we protect it." Obi-wan told her gently for he knew of her frustration.

Ahsoka glanced up at him, surprised by his tone for she thought he would be mad at her. "I understand, we've been told that since we were all younglings. But has no one ever thought why that was the case? Well I've found out why, there was a Jedi called N'Kata and his Master had an attachment which lead to him being persecuted and deciding to kill himself because he didn't want to face the consequences. Someone died because the other Jedi decided they were wrong! Does that not prove anything? When we abandoned one Jedi, we are the villains! That's why there are Sith because they know we're wrong and that we'll tear ourselves apart because of it. N'Kata didn't want anyone suffering the way his Master had but that doesn't mean attachments aren't bad, it means that our attitudes are bad. That means we have to change our minds, not our heart." Ahsoka glared at each Master in turn, checking their reactions as she spoke. Now annoyance, surprise and fear ran through the room as she finished.

The Jedi Masters looked at each other and remained silent. After a while Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke up. "Padawan Tano, we didn't mean to make you feel threatened. We're sorry you felt you had to come up with a story to hide any guilt. At your age it it is natural to feel these emotions however as a Jedi you have training to overcome them. We simply ask that you keep these emotions in check and keep your distance from this Lux Bonteri. Who is he anyway?" He gave her a small smile of friendliness however it only angered Ahsoka more.

"GULIT?! You think I feel any gulit over what I've done? I've done nothing wrong! It's the Jedi who need to change their ways, not me who needs to change anything. This is no story, I've had a through the past and I have seen these moments unfold with my own eyes. I know what I'm talking about and I have proof!" Ahsoka shouted at them as she pulled the book from her bag, holding it high above her head on the history page. "See?! This shows N'Kata and his Master with Yoda, Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-wan, Anakin and myself on this side. My Master-Padawan lineage goes all the way back to him. On the other page it shows a timeline that ends with Lux, it isn't a story! N'Kata's Master fell in love with a woman and they had a child; his last name was Bonteri and his daughter was called Tirlial Ara Bonteri who became Senator and then Queen of Onderon. Lux knows all of his family history including her, so explain to me how a Senator can gave records of someone the Jedi don't even though they're connected." Ahsoka was adamant now that she was right and the Jedi were hiding something that she would like to know.

"My Master, N'Kata was. Rather sad, he always seemed. Understand now though, I do. Padawan Tano, correct she is. Our ways, we must change. Honour my Master's wishes, we shall. Unfortunately Ahsoka punishment, due it is, for shouting at us and harbouring attachments. Remain in the Temple for a week, you will." Master Yoda told her with a small hint of sadness; he wasn't very strict so he didn't like giving out punishments.

Ahsoka understood, quietly surprised that she would've spent a month away from the frontlines now. Not that she was particularly complaining, at least she was safe and her communications with Lux could go uninterrupted. However Master Windu had other ideas. "Very well Master Yoda but Padawan Tano you will hand in your holo-transmitter and that book. You will be training the younglings. I would consider yourself extremely lucky that the punishment isn't harsher." He lent back in his chair with his fingers together.

"Of course Masters, I understand, thank you." Ahsoka bowed down to them and left the Chambers with her Master at her heels. 

As she left the Masters began discussing their situation. "This book could be dangerous if our enemies got a hold of it. Who knows what else is in this book? And this Bonteri- who is he? For all we know poor Padawan Tano is being deceived or worse blackmailed to turn over information to the Separatists." Master Luminara suggested to the other Jedi. It wasn't like Ahsoka to be so opposing to their beliefs but something in this story had changed her mind.

Master Windu looked around. "Perhaps, but I feel that it is simpler than that. Padawan Tano has simply given into her emotions and that comes from a lack of discipline and teaching. Maybe Skywalker isn't up to the task of handling a Padawan. It happens to the best of us." Some of the Jedi looked thoughtful over this but Obi-wan was outraged!

"This has nothing to do with Anakin being a bad Master! Instead it is Ahsoka finding a piece of information and being curious about it. This has led her to believe there may be a way to avoid the Code. Out of all of the rules, this one is the hardest to accept. Besides Anakin has shown nothing but patience and understanding towards his Padawan and they have won numerous battles for the Republic with the 501st. If we take her away from him then we lose our best fighters. Wasn't this always the plan: To give Anakin a Padawan so he can learn to let go? There would be no point in removing her from his care." Master Yoda nodded in agreement as well as numerous other Jedi in the room. Obi-wan had made a very convincing case that Anakin wasn't the problem and they accepted that.

Master Ki-Adi-Mundi spoke up. "Well said, Master Kenobi. Nevertheless we have to find a solution to this book; Master Luminara could be correct so we have to be careful. We should put the book in the Jedi Catacombs- as a memorial to your Master, Master Yoda. Master Kenobi, could you perhaps keep a small eye on Skywalker and Padawan Tano? So we can rule out any suspicious." Most of the Jedi agreed with this but Obi-wan looked a little bit miffed.

Master Yoda smiled "A nice gesture, it is, Master Mundi. Place them there myself, I will. Meet later, we shall." With that Master Yoda sat up and left with the other Jedi following him to their own little missions, errands and jobs. 

Little did they know that Ahsoka had been listening to their entire conversation as she had distracted her Master by pretending to go to her quarters. Now she knew what they were planning Ahsoka couldn't sit idly by while information that was rightfully Lux's was hidden from everyone. Ahsoka would train the younglings, yes, but they never told her how to teach them. Ahsoka smiled, slightly surprised by the deviousness in her plan, as she walked to the Younglings training room.

Well, that's half-term over but my updates will still be daily 90% of the time. I hope you liked this chapter, it was quite fun to write. Bye, bye.

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