Chapter 29: The Chosen One

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The Son and the Daughter woke up in the morning feeling rather refreshed and re-powered. Every morning the Daughter got a boost from the light that lasted the day while the Son charged up through the night and slowly released his power throughout the day. As they both stretched their muscles and blinked the sleep from their eyes they heard the sound of about four lightsabers being activated in the hallway. Confused the siblings glanced at each other and then they heard a growl from outside. "Okay old man, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. What was those visions we experienced last night? WHAT GAMES ARE YOU TRYING TO PLAY?!" Anakin was shouting at their Father for reasons unknown to the sibling gods and with unimaginable speed they raced to their Father's side in hopes of protecting him.

"STOP!" The Daughter yelled at the weaponised Jedi and pushed he r hands out in front of her. As the planet was the force, her force push sent them all careening down the corridor and smashing into the wall. The Son was angry at the Jedi as well and used his force to pull their lightsabers from their hands before picking them up and crashing back down again. "Brother please, I am just as furious as you but killing them won't solve a thing." The Daughter scolded her brother but only lightly for the sake of their Father; personally she didn't mind having him hurt them but there were rules. 

"Calm down my child. I am unhurt although I can't say the same for the Jedi. In answer to your question however there is a simple explanation: This planet is the Force so it can show you strange visions that relate to your current predicament. However in the case of the Chosen One I believe that my son was deciding to play tricks on you. I'm sorry." The Father glanced disapprovingly at his son while his daughter glared at her brother.

By now the fallen Jedi had regained their footing and lightsabers. None of them were now happy in each other's company but the Father still had a few more tests to put the powerful Jedi through...


Ahsoka and Obi-wan were walking through the gardens that grew in the daytime around the monastery. The flowers were vibrant, exotic and wild which reminded Ahsoka greatly of the wonderful gardens of Raxus that she loved. A smile made it's way to her face at the happy memories that flooded her brain. Ahsoka had forgotten that Obi-wan was walking next to her but he was and the older Jedi had noted the positive change in the young Padawan's emotions. "Pleasant penny for your thoughts?" Obi-wan teased her gently as she jumped at his sudden intrusion of her thoughts.

She relaxed quickly though and laughed. "These gardens remind me of a mission I went on a few months ago. It was a good mission and I left with happy memories. It's a shame that these flowers die at night and are replaced with electrical skeletons." They continued walking onto more open fields while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Obi-wan nodded. "Yes it is a shame. This world changes because of everything possible: Weather, seasons, time, emotions. All connected through the Force by this planet that is basically a huge sphere of it. What mission was it that you went on?" He was curious about which world it was for over his Jedi career Obi-wan had certainly seen many a pretty planet and wondered if he had seen the one Ahsoka was talking about.

Ahsoka knew this question was coming but hadn't had time to prepare an answer that wouldn't upset the older Jedi. "Uhh, I think it was- Obi-wan look out!" She never had time to finish her answer for at that moment two creatures flew out of the sky and picked a target to grab in its claws. Both Jedi knew that they were the Son and the Daughter however they were confused and worried as to why they were taking them...And why?


Anakin had been with the Father discussing the amount of truth within prophecies or force-predicted destinies. Suddenly his pleasantries were interrupted by an angry shout from below them. Before Anakin could had a chance to get a proper look at what had caused the shout; the Father used the force to teleport them down onto a platform which had the Ying and Yang symbol on it with an open view of the sky. On the light side there was a black line running through it where the Son was in gargoyle form clutching Ahsoka painfully tight in his claws. On the dark side with a white line running through it was the Daughter in griffen form holding onto Obi-wan. "ORDER THEM TO LET THEM GO!" Anakin yelled up at the Father who was calmly above him.

"Only you have the power to make my children stop. But you can only choose one. Who will you choose: Your Master or your Padawan?" The Father told him with an ominous tone to his voice.

Anakin was torn between saving the two most important people in his life, besides Padme. Their continuous shouts for him to save the other one were not helping him at all. Finally Anakin lost his temper and summoned the force from the planet to control the siblings. "ON YOUR KNEES!" He commanded them with rage coursing through his body. He repeated this over and over again until they let Ahsoka and Obi-wan go and were pulled towards him and in human form. On their knees. He released them from their grasp and went over to his dear friends. The two dishevelled siblings got up, clearing their throats, before quickly making their way back up to the monastery.

The Father came over to Anakin and the other Jedi. "Well done, you have passed the test. Do you see now that the Force wasn't wrong and it is your destiny as the Chosen One? I am old, I need someone to look after my children once I am gone to keep the balance. It should be you, Chosen One." The Father told them with such conviction that the trio felt as though they were being told a fact and not being asked a question.

Still Anakin had no trouble expressing his thoughts. "Okay Old Man, my friends and I are leaving this place when we can. No anicent prophecy is going to stop us, besides, the Chosen One is just a myth." He turned to leave and Ahsoka and Obi-wan followed him but the young Togrutan Padawan felt that they were making a mistake and that this family of force-wielders were telling them the truth...

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