Chapter 22: Old memories

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"What do you know about Padawan Ahsoka Tano?" The question rang within Lux's mind as he completely froze. How in the Galaxy could Dooku know he had anything to do with her? Or maybe he didn't know and was just testing Lux's loyalty to the Separatists. "Senator Bonteri, did you hear me?" Dooku's cold, rasping voice bought Lux back to reality.

He thought for a moment before replying. "Only what I've heard through the holo-net, Count. She is the Padawan to Anakin Skywalker isn't she? A Togruta?" Lux hoped he hadn't shown too much information about Ahsoka to make Dooku suspicious. 

Thankfully for Lux, Dooku seemed satisfied with his answer and turned to him. "Dear boy, thank you for that answer. It was just a little test, I look forward to our future as a Separatist planet in defeating the Republic to end the war." Lux nodded absentmindedly as his thoughts returned to Ahsoka, Dooku seemed intrigued by something but decided to leave it. Lux snapped out of his daydream as he heard the door shut and looking around he realised that he was alone. Lux wasn't about to complain about that and so he stood up and walked over to where Dooku had been standing.

On the windowsill there were a few pictures that depicted different important moments from Lux's life. There was one where he was three on Onderon and he and Melissa had been playing in the garden with dirt and flowers covering their faces. Then when he was eight his Father took him to his military operations base and showed him around; Lux had been both interested and bored at the experience. The penultimate picture was shortly after the war had begun when he was fourteen with only his Mother with him; she had taken a large interest in teaching her son politics and just like with the military operations Lux found it both boring and interesting. The final picture was perhaps his favourite one: A fifteen-year-old Lux and Ahsoka standing underneath the gazebo. They both had a smile on their faces and Lux was encircling his arms around her waist, holding her close. Ahsoka's hands were covering his with her head resting on his shoulders. They seemed so happy and relaxed, the war wasn't affecting the people in this picture and they were in their own little world. That picture was taken quite a few weeks ago but within a season but it seemed like a lifetime away. "I miss you, 'Soka." Lux whispered to the picture of them. He certainly meant it despite it only being a few hours since they last spoke but knowing that their communications were strained seemed to increase it. He then remembered that the machine in his attic still could contain information about Tirlial Ara Bonteri so he left the window and the room.

Standing outside Bonteri Manor, Count Dooku was walking not out of the estate but towards the gazebo where the picture was taken. He had just managed to avoid being detected by Lux and was curious as to what he might find out about that picture. Count Dooku may be an enemy to the Republic and the Jedi however he recognised the signs of Attachments on a Jedi. Ahsoka did look happy with Lux in the picture and Dooku kind of wished that she could remain that happy. The Jedi Code was extremely restrictive in enjoying the wonders of life and that was one of the reasons he left the Order. His Master had given him the opportunity to gain the power needed to free the other Jedi from the Code's treacherous prison. Ahsoka was the Padawan to Anakin Skywalker who was the Galaxy's Worst Secret Relationship Keeper yet he seemed adamant that his own student be forbidden from enjoying life. Dooku was determined to make sure that the next generation of Jedi knew the truth. N'Kata, his Master and Tirlial Ara Bonteri were the key in unlocking this mystery and it seemed that Ahsoka was already acquainted with them. However that mark etching itself onto her body would prove difficult to defeat if now she and Senator Bonteri had given in to what N'Kata wanted. 

The gazebo was exactly the same as it was in the picture, save for some ivy and new flowers growing around it. Dooku could clearly see where the young teenagers had stood during any interactions they had on this gazebo through the force which helped him greatly. The key to understanding anything was to be aware of the past so that you recognise it in the present and predict what will happen in the future. Dooku would never admit this to anyone, especially his Master or assassin, but a lot of the knowledge Dooku had learnt as Master Yoda's Padawan about the light side could still be used by him. Dooku constantly reminded himself of the Sith Code however something about Ahsoka's scenario struck a cord with the powerful Count and he felt it was his duty to help her. Force knows why! Looking around he saw a small wooden table that held a CD player and a small pot of red and blue salvia as well. Dooku could only guess what had happened here however he needed to know for sure so he concentrated through the force on the memory he had gleamed from the photograph.

'Lux! Come on, you promised you had a surprise for me!' Ahsoka ran ahead of Lux as she reached the gazebo and twirled around. Lux laughed at her antics, pleased she was happy. He caught up to her and wrapped his arms around waist which tickled Ahsoka greatly. "No! No, Lux stop it!" She continued to squeal as he tickled her and both Senator and Jedi ended up rolling around on the ground. Dooku sighed in disappointment at the cheesy and childish behaviour of the two teens in love. While he didn't agree with any of the Jedi Code, Dooku could see sense in stopping this behaviour of future Jedi. It seemed to be Ahsoka's fourth or fifth day at Bonteri Manor as she appeared very comfortable in Lux's company.

Lux stopped his tickling of her and stood up. "Okay 'Soka I'll show you the surprise." He walked over to the CD player while Ahsoka brushed herself off and turned it on. Soon a guitar solo filled the air and Lux gently held Ahsoka against him.

Ahsoka however seemed to be a little nervous as she bit her lip. "Lux this is really sweet but I don't know how to dance." She seemed hesitant to tell him this but Lux just gave her a gentle laugh.

"It's okay 'Soka, this isn't a formal dance or anything. Just relax and try and follow me and the beat. I'll lead." Soon the singing begun and Lux twirled Ahsoka around as she smiled. Very quickly she became accustom to the rhythm and begun to get more adventurous in her dancing. After a short while the chorus started and Lux and Ahsoka found themselves singing along while they continued to dance together around the gazebo. Lux had always known he was a terrible singer but he was very impressed with Ahsoka: Her voice sounded like an angel was using her voice and it carried all the notes and lyrics perfectly. Lux actually stopped singing and just listened to her sing as he focused on the dancing. It didn't surprise him in the slightest when staff members came out and started watching and listening as well.

All too soon the song ended and Lux and Ahsoka found themselves resting against one another in very close proximity. Their lips were millimeters away from each other but the clapping in the background stopped them from touching as they turned to face their audience. Ahsoka quickly realised that she had been singing and felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. At the Temple whenever she had begun to sing she had been told that a Jedi doesn't sing and sometimes even told she couldn't sing! It had dented Ahsoka's confidence in her singing ability so the fact that these people were cheering for an encore confused her very much. Lux noticed the expression on Ahsoka's face and made a mental note to perhaps bring it up later with her. Eventually the staff left, still congratulating them both, leaving Ahsoka and Lux in perfect peace. "Thank you Lux, I really enjoyed that. You're a very good friend to me." Ahsoka grinned up at him as she pressed her lips to his and experienced bliss. Lux ran his hands over her perfect back as she buried her hands in Lux's hair.

They broke apart after a long moment and smiled at each other. "You are very welcome 'Soka, I really enjoy being around someone like you." Lux knew he sounded odd but when Ahsoka started laughing it made his entire life.

"You sound ridiculous Lux! I really enjoy being around someone like you too! Haha! We should head back home now, it looks like it is going to rain." Ahsoka managed to control her laughter and started to go back to the Manor but stopped when Lux didn't follow. "What's wrong?"

Lux turned to face her. "You called this place home." Ahsoka grinned at him as she replied.

"Isn't it? How odd." She laughed as she and Lux made their way inside and the memory ended.

Dooku stood up from where he had been watching the memory. He seemed content with something before he left the Bonteri Estate properly this time.

Well that was that chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. The song belongs to Shawn Mendes. I'll try and update either today or tomorrow. Bye bye.


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