Twenty Two

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My mind still pokes at me about my mother's phone call. I can't even enjoy the feeling of Tyler's hold or the cooking show I'm watching with him.

I hear Tyler chuckle and then look down at me. "You didn't laugh."

"Hm? Oh yeah."

Tyler's eyes grow worried and says, "Is everything alright?"


"You were always a bad liar."

I do a small sigh and Tyler does a soft chuckle. His hand sweetly goes down my hip as his arm holds me closer to his side. "Tell me," he softly says in my ear. "What's going on?"

I've always avoided the subject of my parents with anyone. And Tyler never really insisted on learning about them so I never really found it necessary to talk about it with him. But mother is back in the picture. A small dot on a painting.

So I decided to just tell him about the other thing that's been bothering me these last few days. "There's this guy," I carefully say. "An intern."


"And he's been acting...really weird lately. I mean...he's always been kind of weird when he arrived, but now it's just uncomfortable being around him."

"Just with you?"

"Well, Anna gets those vibes from him but he has this...thing with me. It's like his eyes—"

"Has he touched you?"

I look up when I hear the firmness in Tyler's voice. Sure enough, his jaw is clenched. I give him a soft smile and say, "No, baby. I make sure I'm not alone with him."

"Have you told HR or something?"

"What can I say? He hasn't done anything to me. I won't have a good explanation."

Tyler stays silent as he looks forward; his mind turning as it looks for a way to make me feel safe. My heart melts at this new Tyler and I put a tender kiss on his cheek. His jaw is still clenched as I hold his cheek. I run my thumb over his stubbled beard and bury my cheek in his neck.

He doesn't have to do anything but stay by my side to keep me safe.

"Well, if he ever does try to...touch you or do anything, let me know. Don't hesitate, Tessa."

"I won't, cowboy." I let my smile stay on my lips and his eyes still carry worry. Until he softly copies my smile and puts a kiss on my forehead before looking back at the TV with me.

I hold him closer. Everything will be okay if I'm with him. I just know it. No Fabio or mother can stop my happiness anymore.

But a car probably could. The next morning, I angrily hit the stirring wheel as my car decides to die on me.

"No no! You can't do this! I'm going to be late!" I let out a frustrated breath and let my head land on my stirring wheel.


"Tessa?" I look out my window at the sound of Tyler's voice. He left earlier today so it's weird to see him saving me right now.

"Tyler? I thought you were at work."

"I forgot my wallet," Tyler says with a chuckle. He then looks at my defeated state and says, "I thought you had another floor meeting today."

"Yes, but my stupid car died on me." I let out another sigh and Tyler goes over to the front.

"Can you open the hood for me?" I do as he says and hear him say, "Thank you!"

I wait there as I finish up the veggie drink with some cashews. Tyler then comes back to my window and says, "You know what? I will have to take you because your engine is completely toasted."

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