Fifty Five

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"So I'm guessing you and your dad are on good terms now?"

Tyler keeps his forehead on mine as his eyes stay on my belly. We've been given a moment alone. They always give couples a moment alone before a risky surgery like this one. But this isn't a goodbye because I know who's by my side...

His hand sweetly stays on the bottom side of my large belly and smiles at her strong kicks. She also seems to know what's coming. She's giving him quite the show.

"Thanks to God we are. Thank you for calling him."

"I knew you needed him."

"I need you more." His eyes find mine now and I let my lips taste his. I gently lay my head on his arm and look deep into those warm eyes.

But this could be the last time...

Tyler's hand moves away from my belly to tenderly hold my cheek. His eyes shine just like the first time as he says, "I love you. I will keep loving you until my last breath."

"This isn't the last time I'll kiss you," I say as I put his hand back on the angry kicks.

He scoffs at my belly and says, "I just want to kiss Mommy. That's all."

"We can kiss after the surgery," I playfully say as I hold my dancing belly at the bottom. I don't know how she does it, but while she hiccups she still seems to dance at the same time.

Tyler's eyes turn sad and it threatens to stab my heart. "But if I don't come back, I need you to be okay. I need you to—"

"No," I say. "You will be back. Your daughter will break my ribs if you don't."

We share a laugh at this and Tyler fills with a warm love as his eyes reflect it. His hand starts to rub all over my moving belly and says, "I need to fight for my girls."

"God will fight for you."

His eyes find mine with surprise at these words. I've never felt so sure of what I said as he scoffs. "I never thought I'd hear that come from your beautiful mouth.—"

"I've been reading. Talking. Listening. I realized that you've been right all this time. I can't do this alone. And...I trust that He will fight this for you. For us. I have faith."

Tears threaten to fill his eyes and it makes my heart fly. He shudders a bit until he whispers, "God is good."

I only give his forehead a kiss and close my eyes at the feeling of our little lady completing this moment. Then I remember something I have in my bag and gently reach for it from the bed.

"I brought you something," I say as I take out his Bible from my purse. "I thought you would want to read it before anything."

Tyler sees the Bible between us that slightly jumps at her strong kicks on my belly. He takes it and smiles. "You can keep it. I see you've been using it quite often."

"But it's yours."

"Dad bought me one from the gift shop," he says as he points at a white Bible on the other side of the room. "We've been reading together."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"I've also talked with the pastor. I asked him to check up on you if anything happens. The church will be there for you."

"They have been very kind to me," I say. "Don't worry. Everything will be okay."

I repeat this to my heart and he knows that there is that small fear. But love wins it all. Our love has always been stronger.

My stomach does a soft growl and Tyler holds my belly again. "She needs food again. More so she can give us more of those bull kicks."

"At night she is most active," I say with a chuckle. "But she misses you in the mornings."

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