Twenty Seven

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I nervously tap my foot on the tile floor of the waiting room. I look at my watch and then at the large painting on the wall. It looks like sperm going into an egg, but I don't think that's the meaning of the picture.

Tyler puts a light hand on my knee and stops my tapping foot. "You make me nervous when you do that."

"I can't help it," I say. "What if something goes wrong?"

"Trust in Him," Tyler says with a smile.

"I can't risk doing that." Tyler doesn't say anything but he does give my head a kiss.

"You don't work today?"

"I do. I have to meet up with a woman for her son's birthday party."

"Oh. How old is he?"


"Cool. At what time?"

"Soon," I say as I nervously look at my watch. "But I might cancel. I don't want to leave you."

"What?! No. You can't do that." I furrow my brows at him as he turns in his seat. "Go. Do your job. It won't help if you stay here. It'll just make you more nervous. You didn't even eat breakfast today."

"I can't leave you. Not again."

"Honey." Tyler holds my face as his warm eyes burn through me. My heart stops pacing as I drown in his warm smile. "I'm going to be just fine. I promise. I will always come back to you. And you're not leaving. I know you will be thinking of me. You know you can't help it."

I can't help but laugh at his smirk and kiss his soft lips. My hand finds his broad shoulders and my every sense ignites to this kiss. Almost as if it were the last one.

Maybe that's what each kiss will be like from now on...

I give him a smile and stand with a new strength. "Please tell them to call me once you're done."

Tyler waves my words away. "Go do what you do best, my love. Don't worry about me."

Yet my heart still worries as I blow him a kiss and take one last look at him.

Oh, cowboy. Please get better for me. For us.

He was right. I spend nearly every moment thinking of him. The only moment I didn't think of him was when the woman got angry with a store manager.

But, at last, I finish up with her and go to my office. I look down at my watch and see that it's been three hours. Why haven't they called me already?

A small knock on my door brings me out of my worry. "Come in!"

Gail enters with a warm smile. She has two Starbucks bags in her hands and she waves them in the air with shining eyes.

"Tyler texted me before he went in. He said you didn't eat breakfast."

My heart melts at the way he takes care of me even during his hard times. I fight back tears as I watch Gail sit in front of me and take out a veggie panini. My numb stomach growls with happiness and tears slowly come out at this kind gesture.

"Thank you, Gail."

She sees my tears and quickly goes around to give me a tight hug. I let out a small sigh.

She then pulls away and gestures at me to eat up. So I do and tell her about Karen. She laughs when I tell her about the manager's story and says, "I wish I was there. Oh, and I took over your intern for you today."

I chuckle at this. "You two are so alike."

Gail's eyes grow distant as she nods at my words. "We all run from our past at some point." I furrow my brows at this and a new curiosity comes at me for my friend. Her eyes shine with a long story from her past and I try to reach for it until my phone rings.

Just like that, curiosity disappears and nerves take over as I answer. Gail also listens as I talk to the nurse.

"This is she," I say.

"Hello, Mrs. Blue. We just wanted to inform you that the biopsy when very well. Tyler should be waking up in an hour or so."

I let out a relieved breath and smile widely. Gail does a quiet clap as I say, "Thank you. Thank you so much! I'll be right there!"

I hang up and I can finally celebrate with Gail. She gives me a big hug and relief rushes through me as I let a few tears slip.

"I knew it!" Gail says. "I knew everything would be okay!"

"I don't know why I was so scared!"

"You were just nervous, honey. It's normal."

Anna suddenly enters with a soft knock and sees our big smiles. She seems confused but still lets a smile slowly appear on her pink lips as she says, "Um. Here's the paperwork you needed, Gail."

"Oh put that down!" Gail happily says. "We're celebrating!"

"For what?" she gently says.

"Tyler got out of his small biopsy. Everything went well."

"How great!" Anna says with a small smile. I can tell something's wrong with her, but she hides it as she gives me a hug. "Will you go see him?"

"Yes!" I start to pack my stuff but Gail stops me.

"You haven't eaten anything, darling."

"I'm sorry, Gail, but I need to see him." I take the panini and give them one last hug before stepping out.

I arrive at the hospital and the blonde nurse from before leads me to his room. She gives me a small smile and lets me go in on my own.

I don't hesitate to see him. Not anymore as I smile at my husband. He peacefully sleeps but there are small scars under his chin. They've shaved off that beard I love on him, but he still looks as handsome as ever.

I sit by his side and hold his cold hand. My lips start to quiver as my heart dances with relief. I give his knuckles a sweet kiss and feel his hand against my cheek. My eyes close at the beautiful sound of his heartbeat on an EKG monitor.

"Mrs. Blue."

I turn to see Dr. Sharpe standing at the doorway. She gives me her professional smile as she says, "Everything went well. We won't have results until a week or so."

"Okay," I say with a teary smile. "Thank you."

I hear her high heels click closer to me and worry shines in her eyes. Her expression has firmness in her gentle voice as she says, "You need to let us know if he has any pain. He will be staying tonight because we used full anesthesia. But once he goes back home, make sure he doesn't pick up much weight for a few days. There shouldn't be any pain in the areas we used. But I will prescribe some medication for it."

I nod to her instructions and wait for her to say, "I...will give you a list of symptoms that his condition tends to get. If you notice any of it throughout the week, you need to give me a call so we can start with immunotherapy."

My heart wants to shiver but I don't let it be as Tyler's strength still runs through my veins. "He will be okay."

Dr. Sharpe understands my words and only gives me a small nod. With that, she leaves the room.

I turn back to Tyler and give his forehead a kiss. He moves a little but falls back asleep. My fingers run through his hair and my eyes observe his peace. A smile starts at my lips as my heart beats back to its original melody and whisper, "We're going to be okay. I have faith..."

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