Return to Sender Pt. 2

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When the crying finally subsided, Dean looked up at the others in the room. His parents, Steve, Tony, Clint, Bruce, Wanda, Bucky, Sam, Dr. Strange, and Peter stood around the bed. He looked up at Thor. "How long was I asleep?"

"Two days," Thor answered.

Dean looked around the room curiously. "Where are we?"

"New Asgard. In Norway," Thor answered.

"Your kingdom?" Dean asked with a soft smile.

Thor nodded.

"You mean you didn't take my recommendation and name it The Rhythm Nation?"

"I understood that reference," Bucky whispered to Steve.

Thor chuckled at Dean. "How are you feeling?" He asked.


"Using all seven Infinity Stones and saving the universe will tire a person out," Dr. Strange explained in a cheerful voice. "Well done, Dean."

"Well, if you're feeling well enough to get out of bed, there's a whole crowd of people outside waiting to see you," Tony said with a big grin.

"A whole crowd?" Dean asked.

"Of course!" Tony replied. "You're famous, my friend."

"They're here for you, Dean," Thor said as he helped him stand. "To celebrate you."

Dean was overcome with emotion as Thor led him to the front door of the house, the others right behind him. Sunlight blazed before him and as his eyes adjusted, he was speechless at the sight that greeted him.

Stretching far and wide was a crowd of people. When he came into view they cheered loudly, applauding him. Dean found that he recognized several people in the crowd. But there were many he'd never seen before. So many faces he couldn't possibly take in the sight of everyone. They blended together like one massive patchwork quilt that completely filled his view.

Dean smiled and began to cry again. "I can't believe this," he gasped as he attempted to maintain composure.

"You should," Thor said from his side.

"I used to think I didn't fit into this world," Dean confessed.

Thor shook his head. "But look, Fair One- the entire world sees you now. And they love you."

Dean nodded his head; he could feel a strong pulse of love resonating from the crowd.

"And how could they not?" Thor asked.

Overcome with emotion, Dean turned to Thor and wrapped his arms around his neck. He stood on the tips of his toes and kissed the thunder god. Thor, taken by surprise initially, reached for Dean's waist and melted into the kiss. The crowd erupted even louder and the intense feeling of victory was undeniable.

Revelry followed Dean's awakening. Music, dancing, and so many different types of food abounded. People Dean knew and people who were strangers celebrated at his side. As the massive party escalated, Dean found himself on the dance floor at the behest of Tony.

"You may be Thor's Fair One but you're my Goosey and I'm calling dibs on at least one dance!"

Dean laughed merrily as he was spun around. As he moved, he watched everyone give in to this happiness. He spied Sue and Reed seated at a table some distance away. Franklin was sitting on Reed's lap, a look of adoration on his face as he stared at the father he had been without for so long. Dean then looked at his own father, finding him several feet away with his mother in his arms. People were reunited after so long. Dean could feel the massive surge of emotion around him.

Thor watched from a distance, his eyes never leaving Dean. When the song ended and Dean was able to break away, he walked right up to Thor and took his hands in his.

"Dance with me," Dean asked.

Thor smiled nervously. "I have not danced in a long time, Fair One," he confessed as he looked down at his feet.

"Well," Dean said without a shift in his happy mood. "You're dancing tonight." He leaned into Thor and kissed his ear before whispering "daddy".

Thor's pulse began to race. He stared at Dean in astonishment and allowed himself to be pulled onto the dance floor. Dean looked up into Thor's face and kissed him again as they began to slowly dance to the music.

"Tell me what you're thinking about?" Dean asked.

Thor swallowed the lump in his throat and his eyes began to water. "I was just thinking about how beautiful you are. And how much I've wanted this. For so long."

"You have it," Dean said. "You have me."

Thor began to cry and Dean held onto him tightly and began to rub his back.

"You died." Thor whispered the words with such timidity, as if he feared he was tempting fate to say them. "And then you were going to die again."

Dean took his face in his hands and pulled him close so their foreheads were touching. "I'm here," he reassured him. "I'm not going anywhere. 'Return to sender', remember?"

"'Every smile and every little touch'," Thor quoted through his tears.

"'Don't you know that they mean so much?'"

"'Sweet, sweet kisses so tender'."

"'Always will return to sender'," Dean concluded before taking Thor's lips once more.

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