Confession (NSFW, Trigger Warning)

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The party went on into the night and lasted until the first light of dawn. Having slept so much, Dean wasn't tired in the least bit by the time the crowds dwindled away. When it was the core group left behind, Steve and Bucky prepared for the task they had to complete- taking the Stones back to their respective timelines.

"Be prepared when you return the Soul Stone," Clint warned. "I didn't really connect the dots at first, but Red Skull is guarding it."

Steve's eyes widened. "Red Skull? Why?"

"I guess it's his punishment," Clint surmised.

Steve grinned. "Well, I look forward to seeing him again."

"Remember," Strange explained. "You're not going to do anything aside from returning the Stones. No altering of anything."

"Would we be altering anything if we paid a visit to this old diner we used to go to?" Bucky asked. "It's not around anymore today."

Steve smiled at Bucky's sentimentality and hugged him close to his side.

"That should be alright," Strange decided.

With that, Steve and Bucky took the Infinity Stones- minus the Heart Stone, which had disappeared after its purpose was served- and suited up. Then, with the aid of the Pym Particles, they shrank and disappeared through the nearby Quantum Tunnel that Dr. Pym had provided.

"I hope they have a good time together," Dean said after the others had left him and Thor alone in front of the cabin.

"I believe they will," Thor said in a soft voice.

"So," Dean said. "You built this cabin for me?"

Thor nodded. "I did. I hope you like it."

"It's perfect."

Thor smiled. "There's someone else who has been waiting to see you again," Thor said as he and Dean entered the house. There came the sound of scampering footsteps that drew near. Then, from around a corner, there was a streak orange as a familiar face ran toward them. Dean dropped to his knees and Biscuit let out a loud, excited meow as he leaped at him.

"Oh, Biscuit!" Dean yelped as he picked up the cat and held him close. The bundle of fur began to purr and chuff with elation. He rubbed his face against Dean's repeatedly, his little heart racing.

"He waited for you," Thor explained. "Slept in your spot every night."

Dean stroked the cat's face as he kept rubbing against him. The emotions that rolled off of the cat were too much and Dean began to sob as he clutched Biscuit against his chest. He felt Biscuit's elation and love and it pierced his heart.

"People always ask if their pets can feel love," Dean said through his tears.

Thor knelt beside him and put an arm around his shoulders. "Yes?" He asked.

Dean caught his breath and regained his composure. "They do," he gasped. "They do love," he cried as Biscuit began to let out a content meow.

Thor touched Biscuit's chubby belly and gave an embarrassed smile. "I am afraid Biscuit and I have...overindulged these last five years."

Together, the three of them ventured further into the house and Thor gave Dean the grand tour. Once again, he felt grateful to his people for tidying things up.

"This is all so perfect," Dean marveled. "You thought of everything. remembered everything we ever talked about when we talked about our house."

Thor shuffled his feet. "Yes, well...I felt it was the least I could do after ...everything..."

Dean put a hand over Thor's mouth. "It's all perfect," he reiterated. "All of it."

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