Adventure Awaits

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Thor woke the following morning when sunlight slipped in through the curtains and warmed his skin. He stretched out and rolled over to lay a hand on Dean. His palm fell upon the sheets and his peaceful awakening was shattered. He quickly sat up and looked around the large bedroom for any trace of Dean. Though the rational part of him thought better of it, panic climbed all over him, digging its claws into him as he jumped out of bed and took off down the hallway.

When he arrived on the ground floor, the scent of coffee drifted from the kitchen. He stopped where he was and laid a hand on the wall, steadying himself. He could hear the coffee dripping as it brewed. Then buttery sweet scent fell upon him along with the smell of sizing bacon. Righting himself, he walked down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Dean stood in the kitchen dressed in Thor's KISS t-shirt. He was flipping pancakes on the griddle while bacon sizzled nearby. He looked up from his work and smiled at Thor. "You weren't supposed to be awake yet," he playfully scolded him. "I was going to bring you breakfast in bed."

Thor tried to force a smile but his shaky, strained attempt gave away the storm brewing inside. Dean's smile faltered when he took notice of Thor's expression and the way his hands trembled. Having just placed the last pancakes on the nearby plate, he moved quickly toward him.

"I'm sorry," Thor whispered when Dean was in his arms. "I didn't see you and I..." he closed his eyes and shook his head. "I thought it was all a dream, you being back."

Dean ran his hands up and down Thor's arms. "Don't be sorry. Please, don't be sorry. I can't begin to imagine having to go through what you've experienced."

Thor shook his head, disgusted with himself. "In all my imaginings of you coming back...I was strong for you in all of them."

"This is going to take some time, yeah?" Dean asked. "You have to be gentle with yourself. You can't expect to just bounce back over night."

"I want to be for you what I always have been. You always could lean on me."

"But that's not all love is- one person always being the strong one. Sometimes it's okay to share that role." He placed his hands on Thor's cheeks. "Your strength isn't the sole reason that I love you. Besides, didn't you once tell me that showing emotion made me strong?"

Thor smiled in spite of himself. "Is this what our marriage is to be, Fair One?" He asked as he gently swept his fingers through Dean's hair. "Taking turns waiting for each other when one of us falls behind?"


Thor nodded and gave Dean's waist a squeeze. "So, you've made me breakfast, have you?"

Dean's eyes widened, having remembered the bacon. "Yes, assuming I don't burn it," he said as he hurried over and began to transfer the bacon from the skillet.

As soon as Dean had finished rescuing breakfast, Thor moved in and kissed him with the same need a drowning man has for air.

"Looks like your hungry for more than pancakes and bacon," Dean murmured.

Thor grinned and slowly began to raise the shirt up before slipping his fingers into Dean's underwear.

"Your breakfast is going to get cold," Dean warned.

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