The first battle, definitely not the last

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Esmarelda rushed towards the quickly heating battle, she jumped off a tree and used her blaster to destroy the first set of green and white monsters. 

"Another ranger?"

"Who are you?!"

"How did they get an energem?!"

Esme tried her best to ignore the questions and narrowed her eyes at fury "vivix, destroy them!" fury surrounded himself in lightning and disappeared as vivix came running towards her. Esme distorts all the vivix and looks back towards the rangers but an earsplitting roar sounded alarms in her head as all the rangers looked up to see a large t-rex-like monster looking down at them?!  the beast looked upwards and formed a massive green light in its mouth like Godzilla, but just before they were all destroyed a large orange crocodile snapped shut its massive tail chopper on the beast destroying it.

"Wow, what power!"

"is that the rangers zord?!"

"Must be the Deinosuchus zord!"

as the beast roared and disappeared Esme placed the blaster over my shoulder while her hand stayed on her hip, "well that was pog!"I admitted "orange ranger it's good to finally meet you!" the green ranger admitted as he shook Esmereldas' hand, she turned to the remains of her campsite "well I gotta go see ya!"Esme said as she did a 2 finger salute and ran away.

The orange RangerWhere stories live. Discover now