I'm a Ranger

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Esme p.o.v

I sat in the empty cafe reading a book on dinosaurs as the others came into the cafe "hey guys!" I greeted setting down my book "hey Esmarelda have you been in here all day?"Tyler asked putting his keys in his pocket "yeah my shift ended 10mins ago and I wasn't bothered to move!" I answered as I put my book in my backpack. Everyone else settled down to talk about ranger stuff probably. this was my chance, I pulled out my phone at tapped Rileys number into my contacts and messaged him:

Esmarelda: hey Ril...I have something to tell you outside the cafe!

Riley: sure...

"YOUR WHAT!"Riley whisper shouted as I used my hand to cover his mouth, "ril they can't know ok?" he only nodded and quickly fired a lot of questions which I was able to answer swiftly, "Esmarelda can you follow me a quick second there is something me and my friends would like to show you!" he admitted as he called to the others as we walked around the back of the museum and in front of a large t-rex head, Tyler hoisted himself up in front of the head and turned one of the teeth which revealed a slide! everyone went down it but I was hesitant to go, "hey Esmarelda it ok!"Koda said as I slide down holding onto his shoulders. what I saw before I dissolved my vision.

it was a lab, "how is this been under the cafe the whole time?" I muttered, "well welcome Esme to our base, please pass me your energem." an ET looking alien asked as I obeyed, he raised the energem and inspected it. "well if this has been in a fossil for of a reptilian that died 73 million years ago this energem has kept up really well." the alien admitted opening his palm but the crystal went no were "odd, keeper, isn't the energem meant to go to said crystal beds?" Ivan asked, leading his head and vision to the crystal gaps in the wall "the thing is Ivan, this energem is the oldest of all the ones I created, so it can not send energy and be power by the crystals!" keeper explained passing me back the energem, "what does this mean?"Shelby asked, "it means if we can not pass on its energy to the crystal beds, this energems power will die and Esmerelda will not be able to morph so the gem will be useless."

"This is bad, this is bad, this is bad!" I muttered as Miss. Morgan and Tyler looked over and experimented on my energem, I sat down against one of the walls and began to hum You're gonna go far kid by the offspring, by doing this simple action this caught everyone's attention?! Once miss Morgan and Tyler were finished Keeper used his staph to form an extra crystal slot for my energem separated from everyone else's, "now Esma your energem will be charging dino chargers for your use!" I thanked him as the small metal tubes were set in my palm but the happy atmosphere was broken by a message by appearing on the holographic screen?!

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