Day 2

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That is my favourite photo of Michael! HOW CUTE IS HE!!!

Day 2

"I cannot wake up to this noise every morning" I mumbled into my pillow, hearing the horn going off, "let's sleep for a little bit longer,"

"Come on" Jess rolled her way out of bed, "before all of the good food is taken." I sat up seeing that the others were already changed and ready for the day, Olivia putting on her make up. "What time did you guys wake up?" she asked,

"Like an hour ago" Olivia didn't look away from her small mirror, as the brush passed her face once again.

Quickly getting changed and brushing my hair, Jess and I made over to the hall.


"do we get to sleep in on the weekends?" I asked James as we walked over to the lake,

"Saturdays are our free days and Sundays the activities don't start until 12, so yeah kinda" he handed me a life jacket, then put one over his own head, I followed then waited for our instructor to come over.

"hey Ria" Luke came up to James and I,

"hi Luke" I gave him a small smile,

"you got a partner for the boats yet?" he asked, obviously ignoring James who is obvioysly my partner.

"yeah she does and its me so back off" he finally spoke up,

"well then," Luke awkwardly rubbed his hands together, "when you start realising how annoying this little dweeb is, let me know" he winked then walked away.

"he is so annoying" I groned, rolling my eyes as James laughed along, agreeing with me.

"Okay everyone, your first activity today is obviously canoeing!" Our instruction started talking, everyone around us started started to quiet down. "First thing first, stay inside your boats, do not try to tip your boat upside down" she kept on telling us, then continued to go through the rest of the rules.

"do you want to be in the front?" I asked, we started carrying our boat to the water.

"Nah it is okay, you're shorter plus you'll know where to go out of the two of us" he laughed, holding the boat still,

"suit yourself" I laughed it off, trying to help keep the boat still while I was getting in.

"we're gonna sink! WE ARE GOING TO SINK!" James yelled as we started padding, or I started padding.

"what's the matter? Scared of the water?" I joked as we followed the instruction across the large lake.

"yes" he layed the paddle across the boat,

"you can't actally be scared of water can you?" I asked, stopping while turning around so I was facing him.

"who knows how deep the water is, you can't see anything" he grazed his fingers over the water, as if he went an inch deeper so kept his fingers in the water for a second longer than something will come up and attack him.

"I'm sure they won't make us go over a lake that was very deep and had heaps of scary fish in the water" I tried my best to re-sure him.

"JAMES! RIA! HURRY UP KEEP PADDLING!" we heard our names being called from a few hundred meters away.

"Come on lets go" I started to paddle,

"Can we turn around? And go back?" he asked,

"nope" I shook my head and kept on paddling,

"Riaaaaaa" he dragged out my name, still not paddling.

"Aw is little James-ie scared of some water" Luke paddled away from the group and stoped next to us. He flicked some water at him, which actally got James to start paddling.

I just ignored Luke and kept on paddling until we caught up with the rest of the group.


It was closing to the end of the day, we had all had our dinner and cabins 6's were on clean up. Cabin 6 from the boy's side and cabin 6 from the girl side.

"what'd you have today?" I asked Jess, as she was drying off the plates that I was washing,

"I was hiking all day, really boring" She put one of the plates away.

The rest of the girls in our cabin, Jess and I just let it go not bothering to cause any conflict this early on the camp. It was probably better without them anyways.

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be right back" Jess put the tea-towel down, making her way out of the room.

"Need any help, Calum and I have finished with our lot" Luke walked into the room, for once in really daggy clothing. His track-pants getting stuffed into his sneakers and his jumper going over his butt with the sleeves rolled up.

"I'll be fine, Jess will be back in a sec" I continued on with dishes.

Like Luke always does, he ignores what I had just said. Grabbing the tea towel he starts to dry the plates and bowls.

"I'm still waiting for a thank-you by the way" he 'hints'.

"For what...?"

"Coming up to you and James, if it wasn't for me you two would still be stuck on the water" He smirked. I chose just to ignore him, I don't know if he was right or not. "Or you could thank me for helping you right now,"

"I didn't ask for your help" I didn't make any eye contact with him, scared that if I did he would give another sassy comment.

"Your welcome" he dropped the tea towel, grabbing hold of my hips as he whispered the words.

Not expecting him to come up behind me, I may have splashed some water onto his face. I tried to hold in my laugh, seeing bubbles on his cheek, like half of Santa's bead.

"you didn't" he back away, picking up the tea-towel, spinning around.

"Luke, don't" I laughed, as he tried to wack me with the towel. I got some more water, trying to splash him.

"you're gonna get it" I've never seen Luke smile that wide before, dipping his hand in the water.

He reached towards my hair, but because I still had my wet govles on I decided to slap Luke on both sides of the face, he grabbed some of the left over food, throwing it in my direction.

"LUKE!" He started cracking up laughing.

For pay back I grabbed two hands fills of the food, one hand going for his head, the other going down his shirt.

"Okay, that's rude" he paused, almost being 100% serious before he started laughing once again.

He got some more water, throwing it at me, but got most of it on the floor. He tried to take a step forwards but fell to the side, sitting a few plates on the way.

Making them fall to the ground....


We both paused for a split second before starting to laugh.

"You two" Angus walked in. Luke and I quickly quietened down, "what happened?" he asked.

"I pu-" I started saying,

"It was my bad I was running into the room and scared her," Luke spoke up, "she stepped on my foot and it made me fall backwards I grabbed onto the plates and they smashed." Luke and I were both hoping he'd somehow ignore the food at was stained on our clothes.

"Nice try Luke, I heard both of you laughing, after breakfast come to my cabin. You'll be helping me clean-up, not actives for the next 3 days" he walked out.

Luke and I just starred at each other, "back" Jess walked back in, "geez what happened?" she asked. Looking at me, I took off the gloves throwing them at Luke, started making my way out of the room.

"Thanks Luke"


its only the start and Lucas is getting them in trouble.

I wanna have a kitchen fight with Luke, it'd be so cute.

I would apolzige for the slow updates, but.... Yeah i am sorry actally

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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