Day 1

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Day 1

“If all of the campers can make their way over to the bus now, we will be leaving in 10 minutes” The camp counsellor yelled into the speakerphone. Everyone around me was saying good-bye to their parents, hugging, smiling, some crying but not me. Instead I stand in front of my parents as they hand me my ‘health tablets’ they like to say, my smaller brother, Zak, latching onto my leg.

“don’t forget your tablets, Vitamin C every morning, same as the fish oil, ultiboost and iron after breakfast, you need to have something to eat with it, I put in a few sleeping tablets because I know how difficult you fall asleep sometimes, same with some Panadol, but don’t have the sleeping tablets with the Panadol, okay?” my mum talked me though what I should be having, once again, “Rita, are you listening to me?” 

“Yes mum, I’m listening to you” I ran my fingers though my brother’s hair, who was still attached to my leg, letting him know that I haven’t forgotten about him.

“Okay good, now we don’t want you to get sick”

“Mum, I’m going to be late” I tried to rush her,

“Oh yes yes of course, Joe give her the jumper, now stay warm, have your vitamins, stay healthy” she pulled me into a hug,

“I think you’re forgetting the main reason I’m going on this camp” she gave me a confused look, “to have fun” I laughed, 

“Yes, that too” she kissed my forehead as I hugged my dad. 

“Now you” I got on my knees to look at my younger brother, “be good, I’ll be back in a month okay” he pulled me into a tight hug,

“I love you sis” he mumbled around his thumb that was in his mouth. I hugged him a bit longer than my parents. I don’t not love my parents; of course I do they’re lovely people. But the health side of things, I’m a perfectly healthy normal teenager (as far as I am aware) and I don’t see why I need to take them. I do feel sorry for my bother though, spending a month with him but without me by his side. He’s like my little side kick; he means the world to me. 

“I love you too champ” I kissed his forehead, I know it is only a month, but I am still going to miss him a hell of a lot, so excuse the odd tear here and there.

“We’ll see you in a month” mum smiled at me,

“Bye” I grabbed hold of my bags and started walking away. I only got around 20 meters before I heard someone yelling at me;

“RIA!” I heard my brother yelling, quickly turning around, he grabbed onto my leg again, “don’t leave me” now I did feel guilty for leaving him. I was thinking about myself when I found out about this camp, not thinking about Zac. I just wanted to get away from my family over the holidays; suddenly I’ve landed a spot in a teenagers-fun camp. Wow I am so stupid. 

The camp was for teenagers (ages between 12-17), it wasn’t some kind of discipline camp, or sports or educational camp; it was meant to be a fun camp. It’s my fault that I feel guilty. I left my brother behind for my own good, my own fun. Worst sister award goes to me. 

“I’ll be back soon, I promise” I took him into another hug as he started crying into my shoulder. “hey hey, look at me” I pushed him away from the hug, “I will be back soon, then we can go out and do whatever you want” I tried to make him happier, “but you need to smile while I am away, can do you that” he kept on sucking his thumb, not making any contact. “Zac, can you? Please?”  I smiled as he nodded his head. “I’ll see you in 4 weeks” I kissed his forehead, giving him one last hug then finally made my way over to the bus. 

Loading my bags onto the bus, I pushed my way through the crowd of everyone else who was trying to get onto the bus. 

Ticking my name off the role, I made my way onto the bus; I took the first spare 2 seats, hoping that for the next 5 hours I could not have someone sitting next to me. I mean, I’m going to be sharing a cabin with who knows how many people, I could at least have the next 5 hours to just myself.

“Hey, is this seat taken?” great, I looked up to see a girl with white hair holding onto her backpack, waiting for my reply, 

“Nope, you can sit” I took my bag off that seat, as she put her bag down, sitting next to me. “I’m Ria” I smiled; I may as well try and make friends now.

“Jess” she smiled, “this your first time on this camp?” she asked,

“Yeah, what about you?” 

“Third, I’ll show you around when we get there if you want, they give you a tour at the start but they don’t show you where all the food is” she laughed, then stopped as a loud laugh came from the front of the bus. I followed her gaze seeing some boy at the front, laughing along with one of the other kids.

“Who’s that?” I asked,

“Calum Hood, he’s a friend of one of the camp councillors son, Luke Hemmings that him, the blondie behind Calum” I looked behind the Calum seeing a blonde kid, Luke. “They’re like 18 or 19, they never miss a year” she kept on explaining to me.  “Rumour has it they get with some of the older girls, like you and me, each year”

“Has it ever been you?” I asked, smirking, as it is completely obvious about her crush on Calum.

“thankfully not” she rested back in her seat, “don’t get me wrong, Calum is really dreamy, but I’m not really into the whole ‘summer love’ or even just the ‘hook ups,’ it’s just not me I guess” she shrugged her shoulders.

“I don’t blame you, summer love is way too cheesy, why fall in love with someone you know is just going to leave, and hook ups, who knows what kind of diseases they could be carrying” Jess gave me a strange look before bursting out laughing. The rests of the bus went silent; I saw Calum and Luke looking our way. “They’re looking” I said as we both ducked down, hiding behind the seats in front of us. 

We looked at each other before laughing again. 

“Okay everyone, calm down please and take your seats” an older women came onto the bus, “My name is Liz and I will be the camp instructor for this bus until we get to the camp site” she started explaining, Calum and Luke standing behind her. I may have stared at Luke for a bit too long, not turning away quick enough as he already caught me staring, giving me a smirk, I quickly looked away. “For the next 5 hours you guys can do whatever you want as long as it is in your seats and it legal” she had earnt a few giggles from everyone on the bus. “Please keep your seat belts on and don’t spill any food or drinks.” She took a seat, with Luke and Calum sitting in the seats behind her. Before Luke sat down, he turned back to me giving me a quick wink, shaking off the feeling I turned back to Jess. 

“We could bring food and drinks on the bus?” I was annoyed as I had left it in my suitcase, only 2 packs of chips, not even knowing how much food we could bring. 

“Yeah, don’t worry I’ve got enough for the both of us” she bought out a pack of red frogs and Doritos.

“You bought Doritos?” I smiled, 

“Yes, they’re amazing” she opened up the back. Offering me some. 

Maybe the bus trip wasn’t going to be that bad


hello again :)

i had this idea and i have no idea where it is heading so wish me luck, also does anybody have any good fanfics that i could read? its friday night and i'm bored out of my mind.


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