Day 1.5

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Day 1.5

After 3 hours of just talking to Jess and just watching a movie on my phone the bus came to a stop, the cheers from everyone were noticeable, people just waking up and others already starting to pack up their things.

"Okay guys, we are at the one and only toilet stop for the bus trip, so get up, have a stretch, go the toilet, we're going to be here for 20 minutes" Liz spoke up.

Everyone undid their seat belts and was quickly trying to make their way of the bus.

"Finally, I can breathe" Jess laughed, following right behind me. "Let's lay down on the grass, there is going to be a line up for the toilets anyways" I followed her to a patch of grass where some other kids were sitting. "I hate it in there, it's so stuffy"

"I know, I felt like the kid in front of us kept on farting" I laughed,

"I thought that was you, I just did not want to say anything" we laughed harder. "Oh, the other bus is there, Olly and James will be on that bus for sure" she stood up; once again I was following her to the other bus as we were quickly making our way over to the bus, she was obviously excited. We waited until people started getting off.

"Oliver!" Jess yelled an orange haired kid turned around; smiling once he had seen Jess, "I've missed you" they hugged each other. "Come here, I want you to meet the newbie" she led him over to me. "Oliver this is Ria, Ria this is Oliver"

"Hi" I smiled, trying not be awkward,

"It's Olly, and hey" he laughed,

"Thanks for waiting up you idiot" another red headed kid came up behind him. "Jess" he smiled, also giving her a hug. He turned to me pausing. "Hi" he had a questionable look on his face.

"James, this is Ria, Ria this is James" Jess introduced us,

"I feel like I should give you a hug" James gave me a hug, which of course I hugged him back. "Are you new?" he asked,

"Yeah, this is my first year on any sort of camp to be honest"

"Cool, newbie" he laughed. "well let's sit down shall we, we have got a whole year to catch up on my darling Jess and Ria my dear, we need to get to know each other" he took the lead, sitting down on the grass where we were just moments ago.

"James is quite the character isn't he?" Jess whispered to me, "their twins by the way"

"Yeah I noticed" I laughed along with her, "very charming."

We all sat down in a circle, only sitting for 30 seconds before Luke came up us,

"hey guys, we're leaving in less than 5 minutes so start boarding the bus soon, alright?" he nearly walked away before he looked at me once again, "Jess, you didn't tell me we a someone new join us this year?" he smiled,

"Uh yeah" Jess stuttered out, confused I was guessing because I was confused as well, "Luke this is Ria, Ria this is Luke"

"Hi" I gave him a small wave, not really moving.

"Hello" he smiled, not moving his eyes. I begin to feel uncomfortable; I guess the other could tell,

"Well we better get a move on then" Olly spoke up,

"Yeah, we don't want to miss our seats" James stood up,

"Yeah, come on Ria, let's go" we rest of us stood up,

"Nice meeting you Luke" I walked away, not even daring to turn around once we moved towards the bus.

"That was so weird" Jess mumbled, "he didn't stop looking at you like.... Like you were a piece of meat" she spat out,

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