03 | the temptress

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18 years ago

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18 years ago

It's a bright and beautiful day. Momma says it's nice enough to go out and that I can choose where we get to go. I settle for the playground and she takes me there. As soon as we reach, I unbuckle my seatbelt and race out of the car. Momma calls after me, telling me to be careful as I zoom towards the playground. There are plenty of kids playing with each other, but I pay no mind to them and go towards my favorite spot on the playground: the frog swing set.

Just as I climb on, a boy runs over to me, crossing his arms as he glares at me with sharp blue eyes.

"Hey, I wanted to get on that!" he whines.

"I got on it first. You'll have to wait," I respond and his cheeks turn red.

I see that he is angry and before I can do anything else, he pushes me off and I tumble to the ground. I cry out in pain, staring up at the boy who is now standing over me, a triumphant smile taking over the anger he previously displayed. My eyes instantly begin searching for my mom, and I see her sitting on a bench, engaged in conversation with another woman. She has always been my comfort when dealing with bullies.

"Well, it's my turn now." The boy smiles and is about to hop onto the swing when someone shouts at him.


I turn my head to see another boy walking towards us. He stops in front of my bully, staring at him in disapproval.

"That wasn't very nice of you. Apologize." The new stranger orders with a hint of an accent, pushing his curly hair back and giving me a better glimpse of his face. He is very cute.

My bully scowls at him. "You're not the boss of me. You can't tell me what to do."

The stranger moves quick and punches my bully right in the nose. He drops to ground, wailing in pain as he clutches his nose.

"Apologize." The stranger repeats, glaring down at my bully.

"I-I'm sorry for pushing you," he turns to me and apologizes. He doesn't look like he genuinely means it, but I figure he only said it because he doesn't want to get on the stranger's bad side again.

"Run along now." The stranger says and my bully quickly scurries away, crying out for his mommy.

He turns to me and I look up at him from my position on the ground. The light from the sun shines down on him, making him appear ethereal, and I wonder if God has sent me a guardian angel, my personal knight in shining armor.

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