Chapter 9 Information On Infected.

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I can't handle anymore!!! 80 votes omigod thank you guys so much I hope you like this chapter.


We all rushed following Liam with supplies to Perry and Zayn. We heard a scream a little while back so we packed up, guns, baseball bats, knifes, meshedees, Molotov's and even a pipe.

Obviously we had supplies for the baby birth just in case.

We were running in a perfect line one behind another. Then we all halted, bumping into the person in front of me I bounce back and whoever was behind me grabbed my arms in a soft grip before I fall to the floor. It was Michael.

I mouth a thank you and he gives me a sweet smile.

We look up and in front of Niall and there was a house surrounded by all kinds of infected, clickers, stalkers, walkers and even a bloater.

Que informational music.

In order of stages.

1. Walkers, they can see and hear you, they run fast and fight you like a real person, except when they bite you. Must fight stealthily if there are too much to handle.

2. Stalker, assholes. They hide from you, they are somewhat smarter than the rest, when they see you they run to hide and gradually sneak up on you.

3. Clickers, they can't see but have super dog hearing. Can easily sneak past without combat. Can only use a knife to kill in stealth kill.

4. Bloaters, Big MaMa, these are the biggest concern, these are unbeatable without using at least 50 bullets or more. To fight a bloater you must have a fire source to kill faster. Can sneak past in a few situations.


"What is that?" Luke asked from my right.

"A bloater." I answer.

"How do you know all this?" Michael asked me. I shrugged.

"Looking for food I found a clipboard with stages of infected, walkers/runners are the newest, stalkers they are getting to a few years old, clicker, getting to 8-10 years old and bloater, 20 years old." I informed them while they all listened.

"Wait. This all started just 4 years ago how do we have 20 year old creatures?"

"The military cause this whole thing along with the scientists. The fungus that created the zombies always existed. Only in a certain insect though.   They extract the fungus from a whole bunch of insects and inserted it into the  dying humans for experiments to see if it could brig them back to life without causing their special eating diets. For years they tried to get rid of the eating part and train them to be themselves but it never worked. Then this happened before they could put ten all down." I took a deep breathe.

"How did you know all this?" Michael is impressed but questions me.

"I'm very sneaky when searching for food a lot of military people have come through searching for food and supplies. I may r May not have been eavesdropping with them whenever I see them."

"How do we fight them?" Ashton asked.

"I'd say we gotta sneak up on the runners and stalkers, and stealth kill, I'm guessing the others can't see with all that fungas on their face and eyes." Niall and I nodded to that suggestion by Liam.

"Yeaah, that sounds right." Michael agreed.

"We should make a cow catcher." Liam and Niall nodded to Harry Styles' suggestion. They go in in a straight line and capture a walker in between them, cut off his jaw and walk back out with him and throw him to the ground.

"We figured this out on the way here." Harry stabbed him in the torso pulling the knife down to his areola.

He reaches in and calls me over, he runs zombie guts on my face, shirt, khakis and my neck.

"Kind of protection if anything goes wrong." Niall confirms smearing his insides on his body and face.

"I look so fab fab fabulous!" Michael sings striking a model pose, covered in guts with intestines around his neck like a necklace.

I take a second of my eyes adjusting then I laugh so hard that my cheeks, and stomach begin to hurt, I begin to silent laugh. It takes me a few seconds to catch my breath. They all look at me shocked and bit crepped out, my laugh can get really freaky.

Everyone was now wearing this zombie as accessories, I on the other hand, was sane.

Harry had his heart in his hand at the moment, Niall had half of his intestines as a bracelet, Liam was using another bit of intestines for a hairband, Harry Styles had his intestines also as a hair tie, good one, Luke had his arm as a weapon, Ashton was as sane as I and did not have any, Calum and Kirby were having a moment.

"Let's just go."

Wow.... Look at all those chickens.

U don't know that video? Look up Ashton says "look at all those chickens" voiceover

Holy shit guys! Zayn left 1d it does make me a Lil sad but I dont love 1d. They're OK I guess.

We herd screaming come from inside the house and we rush towards the zombies taking one by one out eventually they were all down and we made it into the house.

There we saw Perry and Zayn, Zayn was passed out and Perry was in pain, he pants were off and she was sweaty and she looked really dirty. Definitely not Little Mix material.

"Oh my God...." Luke murmured and passed out, Michael and I caught him before he fell head first to the ground. Then we agreed to leave and look after Luke in a different room.

We were on hold back zombies duty with Calum, Ashton, both Harry's and Riley.

The rest were on labour duty.

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