I Found Them (5SOS)

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Chapter 1 The Outbreak

It was a normal day after school me and my brother came home from school.

We were finally on summer holidays. The day was uneventful I played the PlayStation my brother invited his girlfriend over.

I was in my room minding my own business reading a book when it all happened.

I was in the middle of reading when I heard a loud bang!!

I realised something bad was happening when I looked out the window I saw, fire, smoke and a lot people running for their lives. 

I heard screaming, sirens, explosions, gunshots and cries for help.

The hell!

Suddenly my walkie talkie went off and it was Riley who was talking to me.

"Meet me in the treehouse." She seemed scared. We lived beside each other but we shared a tree house and we would sneak out at night to meet there.

I opened my window and there was my plank that connected my house to the treehouse.

As I entered I heard Riley crying.

"What's wrong?" I walked over to her and sat beside her.

She looked up at me and hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. I rubbed her back comforting her.

When she calmed down, she told me what happened.

"Jimmy Cooper, he came in through the glass door..... he busted through it.... broke it... he.. was covered in blood... his.. eyes were... scary pike in the movie Shawn of the dead, all white, he walked funny too.... I was with dad and... he came closer and he..... knocked dad over and bit him.... daddy's dead!! So is mom and Jared!!!!!! I ran here as fast as I could. There is something bad happening but look." She showed me her hand and there was a bite, all bloody and the teeth marks were black.

"It bit me.... I don't know what it is but I feel it killing me. I feel weak. I think they're zombies! Look out the hole." There was a hole in the wall and as I looked out I saw a person running fast, it was my brother. He fell to the ground.

Another person I realised who, Lux his girlfriend was running towards him and he kicked her away.

"Lux no!" He pushed her away as she tried to bite him.

"Harry!!" I yelled my brothers name. Lux and Harry looked up at me and Lux came towards us.

She clawed at the tree helplessly.

Damn! There really is such thing as a dumb blonde.

Harry snuck back inside and soon him and Mom were in the treehouse.

"We're safe in here. We blocked out all the windows, locked the doors and barricaded them just in case." Harry said.

"What's happening?" I asked sat beside Riley still comforting her.

"I don't know, don't ask. We'll know soon enough all I know now is that we have to stay away from those things. Riley? Where's your brother and dad?"

"They got in. I got bitten." She showed them and it was already worse.

"Oh shit! What do we do about that? I think that's not meant to happen. Something is very very wrong." He started having a panic attack and my mom comforted him letting him know he is safe.

"I seen the walking dead, I think they're zombies. And if you get bitten, you turn into one of them. I. Can't. Do. That. I. Don't. Want. To. Die. Or. Be. One. Of. Them!!"

At least, Zazzles, Nemo, Fred and Charlie are safe inside.

My brother came up to us and picked Riley up and threw her down to all the zombies.

"Harry! No!! Riley!!!!!" I yelled. I slapped Harry across the face.

All the zombies noticed her and they crowded around her.

That was the last time I saw her. I hated Harry after that. Mom said it was best, Riley said it herself that she didn't want to be one of them.

I hope she's happy now.

Hey hey hey!! New book hope its good next chapter will be about how 5sos dealed with the out break. Should be interesting right??









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