Chapter 3: The Pleasure of the People

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"Wilbur I am telling you, if there's one person we can trust, it's Tubbo." Tommy protested as they rode further into the city. Wilbur sighed and looked at Tommy.

"He is a guard Tommy, if you don't remember we are literally breaking the law by creating this place." Tommy sighed.

"Yeah but Tubbo is more loyal to our friendship than he is to Traumph." Wilbur just turned to face the road.

"I am not having this talk right now Tommy." Tommy sighed again and crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Ok well why you do that, we need to make a plan." Wilbur parked the cart at a bar.

"How about I go look for workers to hire while you do a word to mouth campaign and also put out those fliers." Tommy looked at Wilbur confused.

"A what?" Wilbur just chuckled in annoyance as he rested his hand on his head.

"A word to mouth campaign, for example go into a really talkative part of town and start talking about a place that provides shelter and food. Word about it is bound to catch on. I mean people like you right?" Tommy hesitated and then laughed.

"Wilbur people either love me, or they hate me. But I'll try my best." Tommy got off the cart, grabbed some fliers and walked off into town. Wilbur on the other hand put on his beanie, wiped his glasses, and headed into the bar. When he got inside he found himself surrounded by a rough crowd of bandits and mercenaries. He laughed thinking about his older "brother" (not Tommy). Though he immediately moved on as he made note of a group of dirty men who looked like they had just come in from work. Wilbur braced himself and walked up to their table.

"Well hello good sirs, may I sit?" They all stopped talking and turned their heads towards Wilbur. One of them gestured for him to sit in the chair next to him and Wilbur nervously did so because they all seemed to be twice his weight in muscle.

"Who are you and what brings you to us?" The one that had dark brown hair and a big bushy beard asked.

"I am Wilbur, Wilbur Soot. I have a friend that needs some muscle, I believe you might be that muscle." The man (obviously the leader) lent out his hand. Wilbur shook it and made note of his strong grip.

"I am Iskall, we are travelling muscles for hire, and to be completely honest, this sounds like just the job for us." He said with a smile on his face. Wilbur smiled as well.

"Well then that's perfect, you guys can come with me and I'll show you where to go." Then his smile went away.

"First of all, before me and my boys do anything I need to ask, what's in it for us? You see new friend, no pay, no work." Wilbur hesitated, he had no money or power to promise these people. He had gotten the food to feed the poor from Tommy who got it from Tubbo because he told him he and Wilbur were throwing a party. He then got the materials for the tents and walls from Eret who had enough money to purchase the materials. But desperate times called for desperate actions he needed these guys. Wilbur leaned in close and gestured for others to follow suit.

I am building a safe place, a sanctuary if you will. I need your help building walls but I have no money. I just ask you to help us. I'll give you anything I can food, and shelter wise. Do we have a deal?" Iskall looked at his team of "hermits'' almost like they were having a conversation in their heads. After about a minute of silence Iskall turned back to face Wilbur and he smiled.

"Lead the way, new friend! We will help you build your sanctuary." Iskall got up and patted a smiling Wilbur on the back.

"Great! Now you guys get your transportation and anything you need and I'll meet you here in about an hour." The men nodded and began to disperse. Now Wilbur had to go advertise.

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