Chapter 16: Only Friends

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Tommy felt every ounce of anger build up in him. The second shouted in confusion and sadness.

"Eret, we fought together."

"I would've died for you!" Wilbur stepped up, a sad face swept over him.

"How could you?" Fundy couldn't say anything, he was in shock. Tubbo too looked horrified.

"Eret how could you, I worked with you for hours." Tommy felt all of his anger reach his boiling point. He moved in, holding a sword in hand. Seeing this, Deo and Tubbo moved quickly, grabbing both of his arms and holding him back. But they couldn't hold back his voice.

"Eret listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up!" Eret just chuckled and turned around.

"Goodbye gentlemen. You can take this from here, Dream." Dream nodded and signaled to Sapnap and Punz who were both with him. Even George stood next to Dream. Tommy, being able to guess what would happen next, ran to the gate. He first tried to shake it. It wouldn't budge. Deo and Tubbo were soon next to him. Then the screams started. Tommy felt tears fill his eyes as the agonizing screams of his soldiers filled the woods. He didn't need to watch. He knew the men he had fought with were being slaughtered like sheep.

"Quickly guys!" Tubbo shouted.

"The door won't budge!" Tommy yelled back.

"Out of the way!" Tommy turned to see Wilbur pulling around a standing, shocked Fundy.

"Ok, we need to move fast. I'll lift up the gate you all run underneath. Wilbur put all of his strength into pushing up the metal gate. Though he was breathing hard, he did it. Just enough for everyone to bend over.

"Quickly!" Tommy went under first. Then Deo. More shouts of pain filled the air. Tommy went to go back but Deo put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's not worth it." Tommy just stood in sad silence. Tubbo went over next. That left Fundy.

"Fundy, let's go!" Fundy stayed unresponsive.

"No way am I leaving my son!" Wilbur yelled and kicked Fundy in the leg to snap him out of it. Wilbur was slowly losing his strength. The gate was starting to win the battle of either going up or coming down. Wilbur took a deep breath.

"Fundy, I know Eret met a lot to you, but there isn't much you can do right now. We have to move on and always remember that we are family, and I love you." Fundy shook for a second.

"Wait what did you say?" Wilbur repeated his response to Fundy under his breath, then spoke up.

"No time! Move!" Fundy shook himself one more time before sliding under the gate. About four other soldiers made their way under the gate before Wilbur couldn't hold it any longer. He turned to face the men he failed. They were all dead men walking and there was nothing he could do about it. Just watch as they begged for their mom and were slaughtered by Dream and his men. He felt tears go down his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Thap! Wilbur groaned as an arrow landed in his heel. He turned to see a smirking Punz with a bow. Having no more time he ducked under the fast shutting gate and tried to run to where he spotted the others, and just like that they disappeared into the woods.

The plan was to get back to Grasston as quickly as possible. Tommymanaged to grab Appendix and Percius spots. Fundy and Tubbo rode on the two respectively. Fundy was still in some form of shock and Tubbo was still majorly injured. Wilbur too walked with some form of limp, even after Deo pulled the arrow out and cleaned the wound. They walked in silence for a long time. Unsure about anything. Then Fundy spoke up.

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