Police scout

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Yugo was on his last nerve his men have been celebrating since they got back from Robbing the bank and at this point it was annoying him

"Relax love have a champagne" yuri said holding a glass of champagne to him

"Oh alright then" he said taking it

Yuri smiled as the men laughed and cheered hitting their glass cups with each other and eating food and being loud

"A toast to our leaders for their amazing leadership" a man yelled

"Yea!!!" The men cheered

Dennis walked to yugo and whispered in his ear as yugo sighed and drank his champagne in one swallow handing yuri the glass

"Ill be back alright Beautiful" he said

"Where u going" she asked

Yugo just smiled and kissed her cheek following dennis as she looked over touching her cheek as he walked in his office

Yugo sat at his desk opening his laptop as dennis got water for him setting it on the table

"So police want us dead or alive" he asked

"Yes they do they'll start a formal search soon" he said

"I see glad u infiltrated the police station now do u think u could spy a while longer" yugo asked

"I can u know id do anything for u" dennis said Bowing

"Thx u dennis" he said smiling a bit

Dennis bowed as yugo typed on his computer and was looking through the police website while keeping his hacking in check

"I see a search for us like theyd find us" yugo said

"Want me to assign guards to u and lady yuri" dennis asked

"No its fine dennis we got enough money and food we wont be going out any time soon" he said

Dennis bowed as yugo shut off his computer completely and drank the water up and setting it down sighing a bit

"But i want u to do something for me" he asked

"And what is that sir" dennis asked

"I want u to find rin and kill her she knows about our location and i cant have her informing the police" yugo said

"As u wish sir ill be right back before sun down" he said

"Thx u i appreciate it" he said

Dennis bowed and walked out as yugo sighed leaning back against the seat looking at the ceiling as he then got up and went to join his love again

"Oh yugo ur finally joining" yuri said

"Yea sorry love i had something to discuss with dennis" yugo said

"Oh i just saw him leave" yuri said

"Oh no worry love he went to run an errand for me" he said holding her hand

Yuri smiled holding his hand as one of his men offered him a drink and he took it and the men then played music partying

"Man what am i going to do with u idiots" yugo said

"We respect u boss and we respect the lady yuri u two are the greatest of all the time!" They cheered

"Yea yea jeez u numbskulls" yugo said sighing but smiled

Yuri giggled and watched as they drank trying to get each other drunk and trying to get yugo drunk as well but he declined making yuri laugh

"Jeez u guys are something else" yugo said

"Come on boss get wasted with us its a celebration" a man said

"Oh man u guys are really goofballs only one drink got it" yugo said

"Oh yea!" The men cheered

Yugo sighed and took a glass raising it as the men cheered and he drank it as yuri smiled watching them

"Happy now" yugo asked

"Yea nice!" The men screamed

Yugo sighed a bit as  single gun shot was heard and yuri fell back as the yugo quickly ran to her

"Lady yuri!" The men screamed

**well I'm ending it here hope yall enjoyed until next time bye**

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