Cant u see the truth

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Yugo held yuri as he ribbed his shirt off and pressed it against her wound to stop the bleeding as his men got weapons ready

"Get the doctor! Now!" Yugo demanded

"Yes sir!" His men saluted

They soon arrived with the doctor as he set equipment out as yuri held onto yugo as he gently held her close

"Relax my love plz" he said

"Sir we found the shooter" two of men said

Both of them dragged a man with blonde hair as he growled and gently set yuri down and grabbed him by the collar roughly

"Ur going to be in a world of hurt buddy!" He spat punching him hard on the gut

The other gasped out in pain as his two men dragged him off while yugo went back to yuri holding her

"Yugo could u hold her plz ill need to extract the bullet" the doctor said

"Do what u need doctor" yugo said

He carefully took off the blazer and little coat off yuri as he got a set of equipment and started getting the bullet out

Yuri held onto yugo squeezing her eyes shut she never had been shot or had a bullet extracted from her as the doctor took the bullet out with ease

"U alright my love" yugo asked

"Y-yea i am" yuri said softly

The doctor then patched up her wound and stopped the bleeding as yugo sighed in relief holding her close

"She'll need to rest sir" the doctor said

"Of course ill take her to our room" yugo said

Without another word he carried yuri and at the same time made sure she was covered up before walking to their room but stopping

"Make sure to treat our guest with 'hospitality'" yugo said

His men bowed as he took yuri away to their bedroom and he remained there with her as he leaned down to put her down yuri had grabbed hold of his collar and pulled him into a rough hot kiss

He tried pulling away but he was already in the bed pinned down with his love not having him get away at all

"Love" he said between kisses "we cant ur injured"

Yuri palmed him as he grunted in the kiss he badly wanted to have sex with her but she was injured and he didn't want anything to happen to her

He finally got her in one spot panting heavily he was already rock hard from her palming him and she was a panting mess as well

"U need to rest love.." he panted "i wouldn't want ur wound.. reopening"

"Plz love" she begged

Her hand ran up his shirt as he quickly moved away and she whined a bit as he adjusted his clothes and looked at her

"Im sorry love but i want u to rest" he said

"I will get what i want" she whined

Yugo smiled he knew that was true whenever yuri didn't get her way shed always find a way to get to him but not this time as he headed out the room

"Rest love ill be back to check on u" he said

He left the room shutting the door as he headed down the hall to the dungeons of his mansion hearing screams of pain he headed to the cell and smirked

"Alright enough" he demanded

The blonde head was pretty beat up as he walked in and his men bowed stepping aside with yugo walking past them to the guy

"Who sent u!" He yelled

"Somebody by the name of rin" he weakly said reaching in his pocket

Yugos men were now on guard as he pulled out a paper and shakily reached it out to yugo as he snatched it up and opened it

He wanted to rip it up and toss it aside but this time he decided to read it and see what rin wanted to say this time

Yugo this is rin

I wanted this note delivered to u because i want to tell u something im sure u know about my feelings for that hasn't changed but thats not the issue at hand

I want to tell u that yuri is not the one for u yugo ever since school ur eyes need to open to the truth the truth that yuri isn't normal

I want u to see that shes someone that is probably using u yugo i want u to realize how much of a problem yuri is plz open ur eyes yugo

Ur dear friend rin

Yugos lips widened into a smirk as he laughed out and ripped the paper up as he turned to his men

"Bring rin here at once by any means necessary" he demanded

"Yes sir!" They yelled

"And make sure the cops don't follow u they are trying to hunt us down" he said

His men left bowing as yugos smirk widened with evil he had a little plan for rin and it will definitely be an evil one

**well I'm ending it here hope yall enjoyed i know i hadn't updated this in a while but i hope y'all enjoy until next time bye**

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