Yuris evil side

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Staying in a cell was not yuris nicest place to be she wanted to go back home to yugo and her luxurious room, but no rin had made sure she was locked up

Anger boiled up in her heart with officers watching her cell they didn't open the door at all not even to take out the body hanging in there

The only time they let her out was to go to eat with maximum security, and having cuffs to her wrists and ankles

Yuri looked over to the cell bars, and looked at the knife she had beside her she didn't how to do this plan since there was two cops

Even having a little surprise for rin when she escaped from prison that would have her scared for the rest of her life if she even still had it

"Yuri venom hands out lunch time" an officer said holding cuffs

She got up and put her hands out as they cuffed them and she moved back with them opening the cell door leading her to the lunchroom

A few guys started flirting with her which had her angry, but she didn't pay them any mind which made them mad as they grabbed her by the collar

"Hey don't ignore me" he spat

"Release her shes someone under maximum security" an officer said taking his wrist

"And!" He said looking at yuri again

This time he started backing away seeing how evil her eyes looked and how she was glaring at him as to tell him to back the fuck off

The prisoner went back to his seat as Yuri walked to her own table taking a seat and beginning to eat her food with the cops watching

Yugo tapped his finger repeatedly on his throne as rin was breathing heavily on the ground as his right hand man was just about done beating her

"Where is she rin" he demanded crossing his legs

"Yugo... im sorry but i cant tell u.." she said coughing blood out

Having his patients snap he got off his throne and walked down to rin and kicked her far as she coughed blood up panting

"I said where is she!!" He spat angry

"She.. she is in prison.." she said getting up as much as she could "yugo this.. isn't u.."

"This is me!!! Now where is yuri!!!! U had the one person i cared about taken away from me!!! Now where is she!!" He yelled getting a knife

"No.. im sorry.." she said

Something snapped in him as he was about to beat her again until his right hand man took his shoulder as he moved his shoulder away

"Ill take care of her yugo just relax" dennis said calmly

"Tch fine but if she doesn't say anything ill fucking kill her" he said taking to his throne again

"Yugo.." rin began

Dennis kneed her at the chest as she coughed out having the wind knocked out of her and trying to breath as dennis cracked his knuckles

"So where is the lady yuri" he said grabbing her by the neck

"I-..." she struggled to say

"Well looks like more beating" he said grinning evilly

He then punched her stomach as she spat blood out she was nearly bruised all over her body to the point she couldn't move anymore

She tried getting up as best as she could looking at yugo as he had the same straight yet terrifying face glaring at her with his head resting on his fist

"Yugo why are u so determined on protecting her.. and being with her look.. what she did to u... u were never like this" she said

"Silence yugo is willing to do anything for the lady yuri u being around is ruining everything" he said cleaning his knuckles

"Yugo.." rin began

"Where is she rin last chance" he said coldly

Yuri looked up at her cell roof she hated it here just as she was about to fall asleep there was a huge explosion on the other side of the prison

She sat up quickly seeing cops run past  her cell and a few stay guarding her cell she listened closely to what they were saying until she had a smile across her face


**well I'm ending it here hope y'all enjoyed until next time bye**

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