Chapter 17 - Interrogation

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Kate Beckett's POV

Gates had led me into a room with two chairs, a table and on one of the walls was a mirror which I knew other cops could look through to see the interrogation as it went on. She had told me to wait there for a few minutes while she walked to check up on some things. As I sat there I knew she would treat me like I was the one who had done it, or at least had been in on it. I also knew it would be a bad idea to lie, if something could help me get out of this accusation it was to tell the truth, even if I didn't want to. I jumped when Gates opened the door again and came in to sit down in front of me. To be honest, she scared me.

"So principal Kate Beckett, we heard you took the day off when it all happened, where were you?" the detective asked me with a kind but professional voice.

"I was at home in the morning, then I was out hiking in a forest and just enjoying myself on my day off" I said and she looked at me in disbelief.

"Can someone vouch for that? she asked and I gulped.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully, not wanting to give out the relationship I was having with my student's father.

"Can someone confirm your whereabouts, someone who were with you, like a friend or boyfriend?" she questioned.

"Actually yes" I said and I felt my cheeks get warm.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes as she waited for me to elaborate but when I didn't she sighed.

"Principal Beckett, I need to know who" she said somewhat irritated.

I blushed deeper and thought on how I could possibly try not to make this worse.

"Richard Castle" I tried to say as casually as I could but I knew I wasn't fooling anyone.

"Richard Castle? You were with one of the kidnapped children's father?" she asked shocked and I only nodded. "Are the two of you in a relationship?" she questioned and the blush seemed to only go deeper on my cheeks.

"I wouldn't put..." I stopped when I saw her narrowing eyes and just added a quiet "yes".

I saw her write something in her notes before she told me I was free to go. I got out of the precinct as fast as I could and took out my phone. I pushed the familiar number before I hit the call button. Come on, pick up. I set my path towards the loft where I knew both him and the police would be at by now.

"Kate?" I heard him answer and I sighed of relief.

"Thank god you answered! I'm on my way to you now, any news?" I asked and I could hear how tired he was on his voice.

"Nothing yet, they've put up a tracking device and plugged it into my phones in case they call for a ransom" he said and I felt my heart break for the second time that day.

He sounded so... dead. Almost like he had no hope left in his body.

"Castle, they will find her, they have to" I said trying to assure him to keep his hope up.

"I can't loose her Kate, I can't" I heard him whisper.

"I know, me neither" I said and started running towards his building.

"Are you running?" he suddenly asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah" I breathed, "I'm at your building now, I'll be up in a few" I added breathless and rushed to the elevator.

As I clicked the button I heard him leave his loft, all the talking that had been around him disappeared as his door closed, at least that was what I assumed. We hung up as the elevator doors opened and I saw him stand in front of me. I threw my arms around him and he buried his face in my neck as I did the same.

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