Melting Point

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Previously, George learned what reoccurring dreams meant after his own spirals out of control.

George sighed, for the past hour Dream had been pestering him about his dream.

"George please- I just wanna know what it's about!" The British man sighed, finally giving in.

"Fine, Clay. I wake up on a beach, run towards the ocean and then an evil version of myself shows up. Usually he just- kills me and that's the end." George explained quickly. Dream hummed, trying to figure out why George has had this horrific dream.

"Usually- what about when that DOESN'T happen?" Clay asked, trying to be nothing but helpful. With a huff, George continues.

"Well last night, he killed you." George felt his eyes begin to water. "It's just a stupid dream, Clay."

"George, it's not. Its terrifying." Dream trailed off. George gave a sound of affirmation, nodding to himself.

"Exactly. That's why I don't wanna talk about it." The two remained quiet, hearing a soft ping from discord. "Hello Sappy." George beamed. Sapnap chuckled.

"Sappy? What the hell?" Sapnap laughed loudly, causing George to join in on Sapnap's laughter. Dream interrupted their fits of laughter shortly after.

"Hey! I'm the only one that gets a nickname like that." The tall man whined. George could hear his pout through the screen and he giggled. "George. I'm serious. Don't be bad." The older man rolled his eyes, Sapnap struggling to contain his laughter.

"What the fuck? Dream, George? You wanna explain that?" Sapnap was quick to interrogate the other two boys for their behavior. George hadn't thought anything of it until Sap brought it up. That was kind of weird, huh? His face flushed a deep red color.

"D-Dream, yeah. What was t-that?" His voice stuttered, getting caught on itself.

"Oh come on, now." Dream smirked. "You know exactly what it means, Georgie~" The brunette's eyes widened. He choked out a few noises, deciding to keep quiet.

"Well I'll just leave you both to it. Have fun." Sap chuckled, exiting the call shortly after.

"Fuck..." George mumbled under his breath.

"What was that, baby?" He was taken aback by Dream's words.

"Dream, Sapnap's not even here. You can stop with the jokes."

"Who ever said I was joking?" Dreams voice was incredibly monotone when he made his statement. George's mind had fogged over. He had no idea how to respond. "Did I render you speechless?"

George nodded, aware that Dream couldn't see him. The younger of the two took George's silence as a yes.

The two spoke for a bit longer before George decided to stream with Dream on mute as to avoid another scenario like last time.

"Hello stream! Dream is here but he's on probation, so. Until he's good, he won't be talking." George listened as Dream groaned, his voice echoing through George's headphones.

Not twenty minutes had passed when Clay realized how similar their current situation was to a certain fanfiction. He decided to use this as a way of gaining an advantage over George.

"You've punished me like you did in that fucking fanfiction, George. Are you happy with yourself?" George chuckled, nodding.

Dream quickly pulled the document up, ready to quote it as long as it meant making George freak out.

"So, what if I keep talking to you and say whatever I want?" Dream watched his screen, George's eyes shifting slightly. He plastered a smirk across his face.

"By this point in the story, George, you'd never seen my face." George's face became a soft pink color immediately. "And in real life, too." A notification popped up on George's phone and he sighed.

Green Bitch sent you an image!

Hesitantly, he opened the message to see Dream, a slight smirk on his face, and his arm thrown over his face. He's taking this seriously. George bit down on his lip. That's the same picture from the book...

"Fuck..." he mumbled under his breath, his twitch chat becoming confused. Dream's smirk remained unmoving.

Googers: George blushing POG

dweamBitCh: Lmfao

appitusnottaken: DNF DNF DNF !!!

"I'm not even blushing, what the hell?" George defended. Dream smirked further, George had chosen the perfect statement for him to continue on with his antics.

"You seem to do that a lot, when I talk to you." George buried his face in his hands, becoming frustrated.

"Dream please-" The boy whimpered, Dream's words causing a warmth to travel quickly through his body.

"What, George? This is what you get for being naughty." Clay remarked. George furrowed his eyebrows. That never happened in Heatwaves...

"Maybe you'll think twice before trying to bother me next time, babe." George inhaled. "Do my words bother you? Or is it the opposite? You like them?" George closed his eyes, nodding. He could hear that Dream felt proud of himself.

"You know, I agree with everything the author wrote." George looked up, confused. "You really are so goddamn attractive-"

George gulped, looking into his camera. He streamed like usual for a few moments, hardly able to ignore his best friend that spoke through him.

This whole scenario was too similar to the author's writing for his liking.

"You know- you're hot when you're all flustered." George shook his head, shifting in his seat. "Makes me wanna be there with you... how would you react if that was the case?"

"Dream knock it off. P-please." George's voice sounded desperate.

"If I were able to just... slowly run my hand up and down your bod-" George cut him off with a whine, he shook his head yet again and looked into his camera.

"Alright everyone, it's been an AWESOME stream. Thank you for stopping by!" He waved, shutting off the stream. His eyes drifted shut and he leaned back in his chair, surprised by what had just happened.

"Awe I was just getting to the good part." George picked up the phone.

"The good part?! Dream what the hell? We don't live in a goddamn fictional universe- you cant just do that!" Dream chuckled, his voice intentionally lowered.

"Can't what?" Clay smirked, causing George to huff.

"I'm not doing this with you. Do you just enjoy watching me die as you- you-" The British boy stuttered.

"I what, baby?" George groaned, lolling his head with an open mouth, breathing shakily.

"Why do you call me that?" George's voice was soft.

"Don't change the subject. What do I do to you?" The Brit groaned once again.

"Dream you- affect me. Your words they... they make me all- hot and bothered or whatever." The young man's face lit up similarly to the flame within him.

"Good..." And with that, Dream hung up, leaving George to his thoughts.

Green Bitch sent you a message!

George opened it, sighing.

'I melt you, George. Remember that next time you try to punish me. You'll always get a taste of your own medicine, babe. So don't start anything you cant handle~'

George's eyes rolled and he inhaled sharply.


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