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Previously, Dream came back home and the boys got to enjoy their time together once again.

The two boys ended the stream, the clock telling them that it was around three in the afternoon.

They remained in the same spot they were in on Clay's stream for a little while longer, complete silence filling the room.

George stood from his previous spot on Clay's lap and the taller male immediately pulled him back down, George tilting his head in confusion.

"You aren't leaving yet." Dream whispered into George's ear, the older boy nodding in response.

"Why...?" George asked hesitantly, a smirk rising onto Clay's face. George immediately knew what Dream's plans were and shook his head furiously.

"No I wanna be able to walk," The boy whined, half joking. Clay rolled his eyes in response and chuckled at the blush that found it's way to the brunette's face.

"Oh come on, baby. We weren't able to do anything for six months. Do you know how much I struggled?" Clay asked, a small chuckle leaving his throat

"Fine. But please dont break me..." George whispered the last part, almost hoping Clay hadn't heard.

"No promises," Clay hummed. And with that, he picked the brunette up and brought him to their bed, throwing him onto it.

George's eyes widened in response to the way Clay was acting. The taller boy shuffled over to the brunette, trailing kisses all around his neck.

George whined in response, another smirk falling onto Clay's face as he began sucking purple marks into the older boys neck.

"God I missed melting you..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

George woke up begrudgingly, forcing himself to sit up and walk to the bathroom, limping as always.

The small boy examined the marks that littered his neck, his hand trailing over them. A small smile settled on the boys lips and he sighed happily, thr reality of Clay's return hitting him full force.

He swiftly walked back into their bedroom and grasped onto the journal. A frown replacing his previous smile when he realized the contents weren't happy. They reminded him of the six month period he was forced to spend without Clay, the worst period of his life.

George shook the sleeping boy awake, Clay releasing a groan as he came to.

"What, baby?" Dream's voice was low, the boy still very tired.

"I want to burn the journal." George blurted, Clay's eyes widening in surprise.

"Why? It's a memory..." Clay stated. George nodded, agreeing with the taller boy.

"That's exactly why I want to burn it. It reminds me of an awful time and I'd just- prefer not to keep it." George mumbled quickly, Clay hardly being able to understand what he said.

"Alright, then let's burn it. However," Clay paused, grabbing the journal from George's hands. "We're keeping these two entries."

Clay held up the entries for day 103 and day 159, a small smile resting on his face.

George remembered day 103 perfectly, but his brain was struggling to remember the contents of the second entry.

"C-can you read them to me?" He asked softly, sitting down next to the taller man. Clay nodded, wrapping his arms around George as he began reading them.

An Alternate Flame (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now