Six Months

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Previously, Clay was hospitalized and decided rehab was necessary.

Day 1
Dream I cant get you out of my head. You haven't been gone for 24 hours and I already miss you like crazy. This is gonna suck ass, I can tell.

Day 5
Almost a week has passed and I've cried for at least 6 hours... it's starting to get ridiculous. Dream If I even think about you, I break down. What's wrong with me?

Day 7
A week has passed and I still haven't gone more than ten hours without crying. Your mum stopped by today. She helped me with groceries and stuff, said I should get out more which I agree with. 23 more days until I can visit you, baby. Cant wait <3

Day 13
Today was particularly difficult. I missed you more than I have any of the other days and spent it all sat on the couch, crying. But, I spoke with Sapnap for a while, he has no idea what's going on. I haven't told him anything- just that you're busy. What would he think about it all...?

Day 16
Dream your mom is pestering me about getting out of the house. It hurts me to think that if I do leave, it wont be with you. I had the nightmare again for the first time since I moved here- I dont think I can handle not seeing you for any longer, honestly...
-Sad Gogy

Day 24
Hey Clay, you remember when you called me "blue boy?" I never told you but it's my favorite nickname you've ever given me... I feel like it's fitting for right now, too. Blue is another word for sad, after all.
-Blue Boy

Day 27
I only have to go three more days. Three. I get to visit you on the first. I cant even begin to express how undeniably happy I am that I get to see you. Itll be a long drive compared to what I'm used to, but it's worth it <3
-Happy Gog

Day 31
I'm getting ready right now. In just twenty minutes, I begin the one hour journey to visit you. I'm not sure whether they told you I'm coming or not, but I'm hyped. This is going to be worth the wait, I think.

George smiled, putting the pen back on the desk. His heart was beating rapidly as he stared at the clock, knowing all too well that in just ten minutes, he'd be on his way to Dream.

The ten minutes flew by, George grasping onto the keys as he gave them a small turn, the car roaring to life. A smile found it's way to the brunette's face, and the drive began.

Day 31 - Part 2
I've just arrived and they're telling me you're still sleeping. I'm prepared to wait all day as long as it means I get to see you. That's all that matters.
-Bored Gogy

The small boy sat patiently, waiting for any updates. It had been an hour already, the boredom setting in.

Suddenly, the door opened and George's eyes widened as he saw a tired Clay walk out. His body carried itself as he sprinted over, his arms wrapping around the taller boy.

An Alternate Flame (Dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now