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It was her 16th birthday, and just like every other, there just had to be a dance. So as usual, Melissa didn't want to dance with that stupid prince, Sam, but she had to. So she put on her new sparkly pink dress and walked into the ballroom. She had no idea that her father had put a new twist on the dance procedure. Melissa was to dance with Sam for a whole two minutes longer. That didn't seem like too long to Death, but for Melissa, the extra two minutes were another two minutes of complete and utter chaos.

It was almost time for the slow song when Melissa finally found Sam. And as always, he was dancing with the hottest girl he could find. It didn't shake Melissa at all, considering she hated him with a passion. According to her, Sam could dance with anyone he wanted, as long as he wasn't with her, and Sam felt the same way.

"Why don't you just go dance with a guy you actually like, instead of watching me dance with my new girlfriend, I mean really, get a life Mel!"

"I would love to leave, believe me, but we are supposed to dance, wait, what do I care, bye!"

Then, Melissa was stopped by her father, "What in the name of Magicea is going on here? Melissa, go dance with your to be husband!"

"But dad!"

"Now, Melissa! And don't you give me any excuses, just go dance with Sam! You do love him, right?"

Melissa had always told Death that she loved Sam, trying not to break his heart, but she had had enough of lying, "No dad, I don't love him, I'm sorry, but I don't. And I'm done pretending that I love someone that I really, really hate. I don't just hate him, I hate him with a passion that burns inside of my soul. And don't even try to tell me that I don't have a soul, I know that ghosts don't have souls, and that is not the point I am trying to make here! I am sick of dancing with a jerk that only wants me because I'm pretty, besides he is apparently the hottest guy in the universe so anyone else would love to marry him! And I don't want my life to be decided by you anymore, I am through with being your pet and if you can't agree with that, then you can kiss your little princess goodbye!"

"You don't mean that Melissa, you couldn't kill anyone, especially yourself!"

Melissa pulled out a knife and put it to her throat, "Oh yeah, watch me!"

The royal guards ran up to her and pulled the knife out of her hands. They took her up to her room and locked the door, doing exactly what Death had told them to do if she ever pulled a knife on herself. Melissa struggled the whole way up to the room, screaming for help, but no one could hear her.

"Melissa, I am truly sorry about this but you will be locked up for 2 years, or until you learn to appreciate the perks of being a princess." Death's voice was hard to recognize through the thick wooden doors but Melissa knew it was him, and she didn't care. At least she would be away from Sam.

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